Crabulon / Glowing Mushroom

20 3 1

[The Players go into the Glowing Mushroom Biome]

[A new player Joins! Name: Aussie]

Alisha: Hi, Aussie!

Aussie: Hi!

Delta: Are you new?

Madden: Nope, She's My sister.

Alex: Alisha and Aussie sitting under a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

Alisha and Aussie: ALEX!!!!!

Ari: Wait, You both are in love?

Alisha: Yep- Oh fuck. I just Confessed that I like her.

Alex: Haha! You confessed to her!

Aussie: *Face is extremely red*

Alisha: I'll get you a weapon. *gives a Night's Edge* I also have a Night's Edge. 


Player (Alisha): Night's Edge, Code 1, Dark Lance, Thorn Chakram, Blue Moon, Molten Armor

Aussie: Night's Edge, Amazon, Swordfish, Ice Boomerang, The Meatball, Ancient Shadow Armor

Delta: Sharanga, Minishark, Necro Armor

Madden: Flamelash, Ancient Cobalt Armor

Alex: Imp Staff, Bee Armor, 

Ari: Kylie, Sulphurous Armor

[Crabulon has awoken!]

Alisha: Thorn Chakram!

Aussie: Ice Boomerang!

Delta: Minishark!

Madden: Flamelash!

Alex: Imp Staff!

Ari: Kylie Time!

Crabulon: AAAA- *dies*

Loot: Hyphae Rod, Glowing Mushrooms, Mushroom Grass Seeds, Crabulon Lore Item.

The Gang: We did it! Next we will fight the Eater of Worlds, and Brain of Cthulhu!

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