Dev's Encounter

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{Dev falls in} (Thanks for the collaboration,@DevFusio)

Dev: "Ugh... My head hurts." *Crawls to the nearest tree*

Dev: "There's a house over there. I wonder if they can help me." *limps from his injuries to the house*

 [He knocks on the door and it opens to a surprise.]

Alisha: Hi Ma- What happened to you?

Dev: "What? It's that villian Alisha the Leviathan... WHAT IS SHE DOING HERE?? How does she know my name???"

Dev: "How do you know my real name? And how did you get here Fish Lady? I thought you died! I guess Aussies cut didn't do it eh?"

Alisha: WHAT? That never happened! So you aren't from this dimension...

Dev: "AAAAAAAH" *screams as Alisha's sword impales him*

[Dev gets his suit on and punches Alisha into a tree. Confused Alisha does not realise she dropped her sword and runs at Dev. Dev unprepared stands still ready to take the hit without knowing the force of the push. Dev's suit comes off with him trying to make it a sword shape in time.]

Dev: "WOAAAAAAAAH!" *screams being pushed so hard he went into the nearby cave*

[Dev's life flashed before his eyes as a sharp rock impales him. Dev is barely able to bare the pain or breathe and he sees Alisha looking at him.]

Alisha: We are just getting started... Elemental.

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