Aquatic Scourge + The Abyss

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[Aquatic Scourge Spawns by itself]

Alisha: Well that was fast!

Aussie: Fight it!

Luna: Time to do this!

Zeph: Meh. Phaseblade.

Aquatic Scourge: *screaming* Stop, Please!

Alisha: I'll use you as a pet if you want, I won't hurt you.

Aquatic Scourge: Ok. Let's do this!

Colossal Squid: 🍥

Aquatic Scourge: Wait, Food? Yes! Time to feast!

Colossal Squid: MMMM- MMM-

Aquatic Scourge: *ripping away at the Colossal Squid*

Alisha: If Desert Scourge was here, He would do this as well. Though we had to kill him for trying to eat us. Let's Revive him to let him feast.

Desert Scourge: Woah, Brother? 

Aquatic Scourge: Brother? I found food, Wanna eat?

DS: Yes!

AS: Let's do this.

Reaper Shark: I'll ignore those two feasting on Colossal Squid, I don't want to die- AAA-

AS: Nice, A Shark! Let's Feast!

Aussie: We befriended the Scourges of the Desert and Sulphuric Sea.

Zeph: It's Nice to see bosses be so happy.

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