August 5

142 22 5

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This is not the first time I'm writing a journal. I had a lock and key diary and i used to write in that. I stopped writing when i lost my key. So it's locked forever now. But it was a waste because i didn't have any secrets then.  And now that i have secrets, i don't have it. I think this is what they call 'when you need it you don't have it and when you have it you don't need it'. Anyway i have a secret now. I have a boyfriend. We got together very recently and i think that our story is very romantic. Anyway it is Mia's birthday tomorrow. Mia is a great friend of both me and my bf. So he has already bought her gifts and planned everything.
I'm so excited because my birthday is also coming up. I wonder what he is doing for me. It is my first birthday since we got together. I hope he gives me something small and pretty because if it is big it will be hard for me to hide it from my parents. I haven't even told my friends about him because they don't like him so much. They liked my ex bf better. I'd better go now because i'm starting to feel sleepy. Talk to you later. Bye..

Note: This is my first work. I've never written before on a public platform. So incase I make mistakes,pls forgive. I hope you like this beginning. Tell me what you think through the comment box☺

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