September 18

89 13 0

Hey. The school reopened after break today. Even though I had a lot of fun during the break, it was nice to go back to school. Anyway Jason was in a really good mood initially. He even treated me with ice creams. But he wasn't so happy when I told him that it was Mathew's birthday today. Mathew is my ex boyfriend. Jason and Mathew can't stand each other. Anyway Jason looked shocked when I told him that I had bought Mathew a birthday gift. He even told me that I shouldn't give it to Mathew. I found it very unreasonable. Mathew and I have been friends since before we started dating and we have managed to remain friends even after our breakup. Some times Jason behaves like a little child. I understand him having a problem with Mathew but it is not like me and Mathew hang out a lot together. We just hang out in groups and we mostly text. Actually that's how we got together. We used to text each other a lot last year and grew close. We dated for almost 7 months but then things just didn't work out and I started developing feelings for Jason. So we broke up. Initially it was so awkward and difficult for us to move on. But we helped each other and were really mature about it and now we are really good friends. He always helps me with things and we almost know everything about each other. We sucked as a couple but we are so awesome as friends. Anyway he was so happy when I gave him his gift and he gave me huge piece of his awesome birthday cake. Me and Mathew and our group of friends hung out later and Jason sulked for the rest of the day. He even put his arm around me as though marking his territory in front of Mathew. I felt like yelling at him that I was NOT going to run away with Mathew or anyone else, for the matter of fact. He kept on asking me questions about the time when me and Mathew were dating. It was getting very weird. I tried reassuring him that it was all over. But every time I tried changing the subject he kept coming back to the whole 'me and Mathew' thing. At last I told him that Mathew was a very good friend and that we were going to remain friends whether he likes it or not. I also told him to trust me. Maybe it was my stern voice or maybe it was what I said, anyway it worked just fine and finally the guy seemed to understand. He smiled at me and apologised and we went back to talking normally again. Sometimes I like him so much that I can't stand it. I'm getting late now. Bye.

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