September 8

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Hey. The last week I kept on thinking about Jason and how I might not be as important to him as his friends. I know that it's only been a month since we started going out but I just can't get these thoughts out of my mind. I just wanted a birthday wish to show that he remembered and cared.  Anyway I have to get over this. So today was the last day of classes.  We have a short break of 10 days and the school will reopen again.  We were allowed to dress up today in casuals and I made quite an effort to look nice. My friends basically gaped at me and told me that I looked good. I got a lot of attention and it was nice. And then Jason came and he didn't look twice at me.  He went around as if there was nothing different. Amish told him that he was lucky to have such a pretty girl and he just nodded and walked away. I didn't want that to spoil my day so I just ignored all that and had a lot of fun with my friends. After the last hour of school I went over to him, squeezed his hand and told him that I'll miss him. He smiled at me and bid me good bye. When I got home my feet were aching terribly from wearing heels the entire day. I even got blisters.  I'm never gonna wear them again. I almost forgot to tell you how good Jason was looking today.  He wore a white T-shirt with black jeans, his hair was tousled and he was looking so gorgeous. I told him that he looked really good in black and white. He smiled at me and thanked me. Even then the gorgeous idiot didn't compliment me.  I never told you how we got together huh?  It is quite a story. I'll save it up for some other day. Bye for now.

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