October 20

78 12 0

He apologised.

"Jas, I really don't know what got to me. Please please please forgive me".

I just stared at him refusing to respond.

"I know that I was being an asshole, but I am really sorry" ,he said.

"You called me a slut".

"I did" he looked ashamed.

"My boyfriend called me a slut in front of the entire class. Just think how that makes me look"

" I know Jas. It is just that...." he voice trailed off

"Just what"?

"It is just that you with all of those boys.. I know that they are your friends, but it kinda gets into me", he said.

"So you are jealous"? I raised an eyebrow.

"Not jealous. I feel possessive".

"Look Jason, possessiveness is cute. But this is too extreme".

" I know",he said.

"This is who I am. You have to work this out. I can't spend all my time avoiding boys just because I'm dating you".

"I will work something out. I promise. So am I forgiven?", he looked at me expectantly.


"I'm really sorry about the slut part. I know that I should never have called you that. You are so far from the word".

"Oh, thanks. That means a lot to me" I said, sarcasm dripping from my voice.

"I'm really sorry".

"I don't think you get it. This is not just about you calling me a slut"

"Then"? , he looked confused.

"This is also about you making a scene in front of the whole class. I've never been so humiliated in my entire life".


"I like to keep my personal life private. The whole grade doesn't need to know our problems. This was like we gave them a show" I said, shaking my head.

"Jasmine, I'm really sorry. I promise to pull my shit together" he sounded very genuine.

"Promise me that you'll never do it again".

"I promise you Jas. I'll never ever do that again" he said, taking my hand.

"Okay, we'll let this go", I said.

Immediately I felt my feet leaving the group. Jason lifted me up and swung me around.

"Woah woah, now put me down", I started laughing.

"I love you so much",he said and kissed me softly.

We talked a little more and then we got up to leave. That's when I saw some guys from school. And guess what! The- guy -who - I - had - punched was there.

"Oh it's the slut and her boyfriend"  he said .

"Oh it's the broken nose asshole and his friends" I retorted.

Okay so I never told you this but I broke his nose that day. I also got into a lot of trouble at school. Thank goodness, my parents understood the situation. I was very proud of breaking his nose. We'll I still am. He totally deserved it.

"It is a good thing that you came into your senses dude", he told Jason.

"Shut the fuck up", Jason said angrily and he pulled my hand , starting to walk away.

"Your nose looks crooked. Remember how it broke?" , I called out as we walked out of the place. I didn't miss the fury in the guy's eyes.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that because of me" Jason looked

"Let's not think of that", I said.



"We are okay right?"

"Yeah, we are okay"

He hugged me tight and then left.

I was felt so ecstatic that I grabbed the phone and called Ash. The phone rang a couple of times before he picked it .

"Ash, it is me" , I said

"Hey, Jas. What's up"

"You know the fight with Jason right?" , I said.

" Of course , I was right there when the whole thing happened. Now what about that"?, he asked.

"We fixed it. We are not fighting anymore".

I explained the whole conversation to Ash.



"Don't you think that you let him off the hook too easily?", he asked me.

" He sounded very genuinely sorry and he understands his mistake. So I didn't find any reason to hold on to the fight", I said.

"You really like him , don't you?. Because otherwise you wouldn't have let him get off with this ".

"I really like him Ashel. Sometimes it just scares me. What would I do without him?", I confessed.

"You are more stronger that that. You don't need a boy "

"Mmmmh... Maybe"

" By the way, I was surprised that you just slapped him once. I thought he was the next in line to get his nose broken", he laughed

"Don't tease me"

"Wouldn't dare to" he laughed again.

"Jas, just make sure that he knows your worth okay?", his voice turned serious.

" Yeah okay. Listen I have to go now. Talk later. Bye", I said.

" Take care. Bye"

The rest of the day passed without an incident. I'm feeling so sleepy that my eyes are dropping. So I'm going to sleep. Maybe I will dream about Jason.

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