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I first talked to Mathew when I was 13. We were partners in class. He was fast at solving math problems and I would constantly try to beat him. But even then we weren't close friends. He was one of the people in our friends group I talked the least to. But somewhere during the ninth grade we started texting each other. It began with a simple 'hi, what are you doing'. But then 1 text became 10, 10 became 100 and eventually we became very good friends. Maybe even more than that. He became that person to whom I told everything. We talked so much but we never got bored. I don't know when exactly I started liking him. At some point our texts changed from 'friendly' to 'flirty'. I felt that there was something , something nice developing, but I wasn't sure if he felt the same way. I didn't want to ruin our new found friendship. One day I had a programme at school and he actually came for me. I felt something changing between us that day, the way he watched my programme noticing every single detail and later the way he genuinely complimented me. He wasn't even well that day and he had to be taken to the hospital in the evening. I remember texting him at 1:00 am, when he was at the hospital to keep him company. I realised that I really liked him on that day. The next day I woke up to find a text from him

Mathew: Hey, this is Mathew's Dad. He asked me to message you. He is extremely unwell and has been admitted to the hospital.

I freaked out on reading the message

You: What happened to him? Which hospital is he admitted to? Is it okay if I visit?.

Mathew: He has chest infection and wheezing. And sorry no visitors allowed because he has infections.

You: Okay. Please keep on updating me about him.

Mathew: Okay sure.

I spent the whole day worrying about him. In the evening I got another text.

Mathew: Girl, it's me.

You: Mathew?

Mathew : Yeah it's me. What are you doing?

You: Omg! How are you now? When are they gonna let you go from the hospital.

You: I actually wanted to visit but your dad said no visitors.

You: You feeling better?

You: Pls REPLY. I'm freaking out in here.

Mathew: Your monologue over or what?😂 .


Mathew: I'm all right. That was a prank.

You: What?

Mathew: Actually I'm home. I played a prank on you.

Mathew: I messaged as my Dad.

You: No way. You did WHAT!

You: You manipulative IDIOT. I was worrying for the entire day. And this was a prank.

You: Your sense of humour is sick. I'm not talking to you ever again.

Mathew: Uh oh. Sorry girl. I really didn't mean to worry you.

Mathew: I thought you'd laugh when you knew that it was a prank. Sorry sorry sorry. Forgive me pls.

You: Nope. This is serious. This is nothing to be joked about.

Mathew: I'm so sorry. Pls let it go.

You: Promise me that you will never do that to me. NEVER AGAIN.

Mathew: I promise you. Am I forgiven now?.

You : Lemme think.

Mathew: Awwww come on now.

You: 😏

Mathew: Btw you were worrying about me? I'm so important to you eh?

You:  Maybe.

Mathew: Why were you worried.

You:  Because you are my friend.

Mathew:  That's all?

You: Yeah.

You:  Why you wanted some other reason?

Mathew:  Maybe.

You:  Maybe there's some other reason.

Mathew:  Which is?

You:  Maybe I like you.

Mathew:  Like a friend?  Or something more..

You:  Maybe something more

Mathew:  I like you too. As something more than a friend.

You:  Are you kidding?

Mathew:  No.

You:  Me neither.

Mathew:  So are we an item?

You:  Hahahaa 'item'!  You are such a freak😂

Mathew: Ok fine. Are we dating now?

You:  Yup. From this very moment.

Mathew:  Okay girlfriend.

You:  Okay boyfriend.

And that was our beginning. 


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