November 5

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<Guys please do vote if you are reading. This is going to be a big chapter. Please please please vote>

Today was the party at Jason's place. I was very tensed about meeting his parents and also about dressing up. I had to wear something that was appropriate for meeting your boyfriends parents for the first time and also for a party. I hadn't thought about this when I went for shopping so I had ended up buying a party wear. I wasn't a person who liked shopping a lot so I didn't want to buy something else. At last I decided to wear a nice white dress to meet Jason's parents and then change into party clothes before the party started.

Around 3:00 in the afternoon Jason came to pick me from my home. My hands were clutched around my dress due to tension.

"What's up?", he asked me.

" Nothing", I said

"You are tapping your feet like crazy and you are about to tear your dress. Well everything surely seems alright as you are behaving so normally", his voice was dripping with sarcasm.

"All right. I'm really nervous, that's all", I said sighing

"Is this because you are meeting my parents"


"You don't have to be nervous. They are going to like you"

"I hope so"

Soon we reached his house. My heart was in my mouth. My fingers twisted back into my dress. Jason slowly removed my fingers from my dress.

"Don't tear it girl. You look so beautiful in it", he said.

Colour filled my cheeks and I stood on my toes to kiss him. He held me tight as i kissed him

" I love you ", I whispered

" I love you too. Now let's meet my parents", he took my hand and we entered the house.

The house looked very beautiful. It was decorated artfully. Jason's parents came to meet us as soon as we entered the house.

"Mum and Dad, this is my girlfriend Jasmine. Jas, this is my mum Hannah and dad Dave", Jason said

My heart warmed when I heard him introduce me as his girlfriend.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you" I said shaking hands with them.

They were very nice to me. His dad was interested to know that I was into sports. His mum quizzed me about my family. I soon became very comfortable and as we talked all my nerves were forgotten.

"We have an event to attend tonight so you kids can party in peace", Hannah said.

They soon left to get dressed and I started helping Jason to set up all the things for the party. By the time we were done his parents were just leaving the house.

"Make sure nothing goes wrong and everything is safe" Hannah said before leaving.

After they were gone, we completed the party arrangement.

"Remind me again why I haven't met your parents yet?", Jason said

"I haven't told them that we are dating"

"Why is that so?",he asked

"I wanted to see how we are doing together before telling them", I said

"And how are we doing together?", he looked a little pissed

"We are doing great", I said

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