August 31

95 13 0

Hey. Yesterday was my birthday. It was horrible. I woke up all happy and excited about my day. My family wished me and so did some of my old friends. But all my best friends forgot and so did my boyfriend. I waited and waited for a call or at least a message and all I got was silence. I was so disappointed. But then we are all humans and we all forget. So I wasn't even mad at them. I went to school today and I wasn't planning on telling anyone that it was my birthday yesterday. But a friend of mine spilt the beans and everyone came to know. Everyone was wishing me and apologising for forgetting and I could feel him staring at me. Later he came to me and wished me. That made me happy. Everyone was super nice to me to make up for my birthday. Ash(my best friend)  twirled me around and made me giggle but I don't think Jason(my bf)  liked that.  I saw him glaring at Ash but Ash didn't mind it one bit.  After school, me and Jason were walking and he said sorry.  I said that it was okay. And then he told me that he didn't forget my birthday. I was really confused. He told me that he was running low on pocket money and that's why he couldn't give me a gift and that he didn't forget my birthday. That was plain lying. If he'd not forgotten my birthday then he would have called or messaged me. Or did that also cost him something. Sometimes i don't get this guy at all. Anyway I was hurt. A lot. Not because he forgot my birthday, but because he lied about it.  He could have just come clean and told me the truth. So truth be told, this was the most anticipated birthday and it turned out to be the worst birthday ever.. Anyway I have to go now..  Bye.

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