August 10

102 14 0

Hey, I know that I haven't been regular. But that's the whole point of having a journal. So we had a blast on Mia's birthday. My bf called her at 12 and he gave her a pre birthday gift and a birthday gift. I gave her a huge pack of awesome chocolates. My bf says that it is very cliché to gift chocolates on birthdays but I don't think so. My birthday is in just 20 days. I'm so excited about it. We have exams soon. I have to start preparing. My bf has a lot of friends so I hang out with them during the breaks and that's keeping me from doing all my work. My friends keep complaining that I don't spend time with them but then someone has to adjust. They don't know yet that I'm dating Jason now. I'm having a lot of fun in class right now. All of my friends are placed in the same row. We keep on talking and that's getting into our teachers nerves. My bf is sitting in a different row and he isn't having much fun. In fact he is very bored. He told me that he hates class. I was shocked because we have the best class ever. Anyway I'm hoping that he gets over it. I'm gonna go now. Bye.

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