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I remember seeing Jason in the hallways , always laughing with his friends. Sometimes when I was having a hard day , I would get so pissed when I heard their laughs. A group of handsome boys laughing as though there was nothing wrong in their lives when everything was wrong with mine. Just not fair. The next year we ended up being in the same class. That year was particularly bad for me. Even though I had a lot of friends, I felt lonely. I still didn't have a very good impression of Jason. We talked sometimes but he was a hi-bye friend. He used to tease and annoy me a lot. For me those were major turn off factors. Later that year we were assigned the same desk and he was my partner. I wasn't very enthusiastic about that. But some how we hit it off and became good friends. He didn't tease me or annoy me and I actually found him engaging. He joked and flirted and we had a lot of fun together. I was dating Mathew during that time. That's when I noticed that these boys weren't enthusiastic about each other. Whenever I talked to one about the other, the subject was changed. So I never bothered to tell Jason that I was dating Mathew. We ended up being in the same class for the second year in a row. I was happy to find him in my class. Jason started confiding in me and we became closer than ever. Even then I never saw him as anything more than a friend. I helped him with his problems made me laugh. It was a fair trade, if you ask me. Then came a dance contest. We had to participate in pairs.

"We are going to team up together okay", he told me as soon as the event was announced.

" Okay sure", I agreed.

And then we started practising together. Those days were fun. Mathew wasn't very happy when I told him that I had paired up with Jason. But he did not say anything. I started spending more and more time with Jason.

"You guys look so good together", everyone told us.

We never took those compliments too seriously and always smiled it off. Slowly I became a member of his close friends circle. We did really well in that dance competition. Mathew cheered and clapped loudly for me. I was surprised to see the expression on Jason's face when he saw me hugging Mathew after the contest.

Is he jealous?, was my first thought.

No way. He doesn't like Mathew and that's probably the reason.

I was sure about my reasoning. So I didn't give it another thought. Later that day Mathew sang 'Can't help falling in love with you" for me. After his performance he twirled me around and then kissed my cheeks. It was incredibly romantic.

"You are dating that idiot"?, Jason confronted me later.

" Yeah", I said.

" And you didn't tell me"?

"Yeah, I didn't".

"And"?, he raised an eyebrow.

" And I'm sorry ".

"Hmmmm okay. By the way that was quite a show he put up there huh? But our dance was way more romantic".

"What"?, I felt confused.

"Nothing" he said, his eyes twinkling.

A few weeks later some guys were fighting over something. I accidentally hit someone's shoulder as I was trying to walk past them.

"I'm sorry", I said immediately.

The guy pushed me back with both his hands.

"Next time onwards pay attention to where you are going. Understood?", he growled.

I nodded and was starting to walk away when he pushed me again. The force of the push made me fall down.

"Next time I speak to you, you are going to open your mouth and respond. Understood?", he said again.

I slowly got up and brushed the dust from my clothes. I could hear the people around me laughing.

"Such a bitch", he turned back laughing.

Blood boiled in my body . I turned and slowly walked to the guy and pushed him with all my strength. The impact of the push made him lose his balance. I sat on top of him and punched him in the face. I soon had his blood in my hands.

"You underestimated me huh?", I asked.

He lay there groaning in pain. I looked up at the people standing around me.

" You guys are so sick that you stood here doing nothing when a guy was harassing a girl. Spineless idiots" I said, my words filled with venom.

I looked at guy I hit. His face was covered with blood.

"Next time you are going to think twice before you touch a girl. Understood? "

I slowly walked away, feeling satisfied with myself. I looked up to see Jason staring at me with a smile on his face.

"Shall we go wash that blood off your hands", he asked me.


"Jasmine", he said.

"Yeah", I looked at him.

"You are a special girl. You know that right"?, he looked intently into my eyes

"Yeah I know", I said.

For the first time in my life, I felt something for Jason.

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