Chapter 3: On the way to the Capitol

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Me, Effie, and Hugo get into a tan truck that is supposed to go to the capitol. The capitol...basically a giant port where different countries send us stuff. Some people live there, they still have the same weird fashion sense and different buildings. 

"Have you ever been to the capitol?" Hugo asks me. Its the first time I've heard him talk. "No" I say " Have you?" He shakes his head. "How old are you?" I ask. "Sixteen" He replies. The rest of the ride was silent. We arrive at the train and when I walk inside I was pleasantly surprised. Everything was so fancy.  Haymitch, Katniss, and Peeta followed after us. "Ok" Hugo said "When do you people start mentoring us?" "Would you just wait for a little, kid, you just got here." Haymitch hissed and poured himself some alcohol. I take a look around. My room has lots of goodies. 

The next morning we all took a look at who the tributes from the other district are. The TV showed the 2 tributes from District One the girls name was Luster she had light shiny blonde hair and the boy was named Royce who had more of a dirty blonde. "They might be good at fighting you know" Haymitch said "They still trained illegally after the hunger games" They both looked obnoxious and mean. Hugo didn't say anything. The District 2 girl was named Terra and the boy was Ryker. Both of them were short and had dark hair. "They are probably fast" Haymitch interrupted. "Haymitch please stop making assumptions" Peeta said. District 3 wasn't much just a boy and a girl named Chip and Elecc. "Ok, district 4" Haymitch announced. "Finnick O' Dair and Siren Channing" The smile immediately dropped from everyone's faces. "Isn't he dead" I asked quietly. "Yes" Peeta said "But his son isn't" "Poor Annie" Katniss whispered to Peeta "She must be so upset" I immediately remembered what Jonathan told me about Finnick and Annie. I felt horrible. But WOW Finnick Jr  is GORGEOUS exactly like his dad but hotter I couldn't stop thinking about him. Shut up I thought its just a little crush that's all. I didn't start to pay attention until District 7, lumber.  The girls name was Nara and the boys name was Forrest. After that I only remember District 11. Both of the tributes were young but there names were Guava and Soy. Haymitch handed me a list in case I forgot. 


District 1 :

Male: Royce

Female: Luster

District 2:

Male: Ryker

Female: Terra

District 3:

Male: Chip

Female: Elecc

District 4: 

Male: Finnick

Female: Siren

District 5: 

Male: Lymit

Female: Mecha

District 6:

Male: Aero

Female: Tamara

District 7:

Male: Forrest

Female: Nara

District 8:

Male: Flax

Female: Twyla

District 9:

Male: Bran

Female: Sunnoria

District 10:

Male: Angus

Female: Vivian

District 11:

Male: Soy

Female: Guava

District 12:

Male: Hugo

Female: Adalayne

"Alrighty let's start with weapons" Haymitch says " Do any of you know how to use any weapons?" "I'm decent with a knife or a sword," Hugo says. "Well..." Haymitch trails of. "Do you know how to use any weapons?" Katniss asks me. I wasn't paying attention. "Huh?" "Adalayne do you know how to use any weapons?" Katniss says again but more firm. "Actually yes" I say "I can shoot a bow and arrow" "So your the girl Jonathan always talks about," Katniss says and smiles "Nice to meet you". "Nice to meet you too" I respond. "Ok now that we have got all of that covered. Im going to ask you a few questions to test your common sense." Haymitch says.

"Sooo what should you do when the gong goes off?" Haymitch asks

"Run in the opposite direction of the cornucopia and grab a backpack if you can" Hugo says. "Perfect answer" Haymitch replies. 

"NO" I say " You don't understand. I can run fast. Really really fast. I can make it to the cornucopia and grab supplies." "Well if you do that your gonna kill yourself," Haymitch says "Don't make stupid decisions. Wait it out, find food, do whatever you can to increase your odds of winning and don't die". "These games are going to be different" Peeta says "Unlike anything you and me have seen before" He glances at Katniss. "You should all get some sleep" She says. I climb into bed and in minutes I'm fast asleep. But not for long.

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