Chapter 13: Day 2

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Back in the capitol: 

Haymitch is shaking his head. "Poor boy" He says and grabs a drink. Peeta looks at Katniss. "I everything ok?" Peeta asks. "I- i don't understand," She says "How does she know that song?" "What song?" Peeta says. "The one she sang- I know it" Katniss says "The covey..." She trails off. 

Ada's POV: 

Hugo's death was shaking me. I couldn't focus, I didn't have any supplies, and I didn't have Hugo. I sigh. I was extremely hungry. I grab my bow and arrow and walk. I walked for about 20 minutes and I notice something strange. Yellow large flowers are growing around the arena. I wait for a little to see if there is any animal life. After a few minutes I hear footsteps. I put an arrow on the string of my bow ready to shoot. A deer comes out of the flowers. A rather large deer. I hide behind a nearby tree but something catches my eye. A little dark haired girl is moving around. Guava from District 11. The deer senses her presence. Its nostrils are widening. This isn't a normal deer I realize, its a capitol mutt. Out of nowhere it jumps on Guava ripping her skin off digging into her gutts and organs. My eyes widen with fear. I shoot the deer in the stomach it falls down. I shoot the deer in the head. Thinking it was dead I ran over to Guava. She was covered in blood. I hear a cannon go off. Tears are falling out of my eyes. Unexpectdly the injured deer gets up and jumps on me. I wail in pain. I kick its face and stab it with my small knife. I scream in frustration as it is still on me, trying to eat me. I push it over and stab it some more. Its skin is so thick. My hands are covered in blood from the canivorous deer. It slowly gives out and its breathing becomes more slow. I run away from the mutt. I run for a good 20 minutes and settle down. My arm is in excruciating pain from the deer as its razor sharp teeth dug into my arm at one point. I was hungry and thirsty and drained of energy. I just want to die I thought. I'm crying and sobbing but I hear a beeping sound near me. A SPONSER!!! I grab it and open it. Inside is some rope, 4 sandwiches, and 4 waters. I gobble down 2 sandwiches and drink 2 of the waters. I stuff the rest in my pockets. Inside there also is a note that says:

Better off sad than dead. It's not over until the Mockingjay sings

Stay alive:)



I smile hoping they would see me through the cameras in the arena. 

I need to get some sleep. I climb up a tree and tie myself there with the rope just like Katniss did in the 74th Hunger Games. The arena sky lights up with Hugo and Guava's face. I can't fall asleep thinking of Hugo and the other tributes that had to die. 

Suddendly I hear voices nearby. I can tell its the careers but they are going to go to sleep. Perfect I think. I need to be ready to fight tomorrow. I need sleep. After an hour of trying I dose off. 

I wake up at dawn and quietly climb down the tree. I walk over to where the careers are and hide behind a bush waiting for them to get up. After an hour I hear Sirens annoying voice. "We need to move" She hisses. 

"No we don't" Luster says, obviously annoyed. "Oh yeah" Terra says "Well you obviously were pretty cozy SLEEPING ON your district partner" 

"Oh shut up" She says back. "Don't tell me to shut up" Terra says. "Oh yeah" Luster says and smirks "what are you going to do about it". Terra rolls her eyes and Luster laughs. After Luster stops laughing Terra turns around and pushes her to the ground waking Royce up. Terra grabs a knife and quickly slits Lusters thoat. After 30 seconds I hear the cannon go off which wakes up Finnick and Ryker. "STOP" Finnick yells "We can't just kill each other-" "Shut up" Terra says. Siren laughs. "What the hell did you do 2?" Royce asks Terra. Terra looks around and smiles smugly as he is traumatized looking at Lusters body. "That was a mistake" He says and punches Terra in the head. She falls to the ground with a bloody nose. "STOP FIGHTING" Finnick says desrpately. Royce grabs a spear and tries to kill Finninck. The downfall of the careers I thought. Terra is on the ground, Ryker is standing there like an idiot, Siren is laughing, all while Royce tries to kill them. Quickley Siren grabs her trident and stabs Royce in the chest as he falls to the ground. She scoffs as the cannon goes off. After everything settles down they sit around in a circle and eat MY food from MY backpack. I try to move but a branch snaps as I step on it. Finnick gets up and comes to where I'm hiding. 

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