Chapter 15: The Cave

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16 of the tributes are dead there are only 8 tributes remaining including me and Finnick. "So where should we set up our stuff" He asks. "I don't know" I say with my face still red. "Have you gotten any sponsors?" I ask. "Yes" He replies "I just got some food and water" Out of the corner of my eye I see a big rock figure. "A CAVE" I shout and point to it. Finnick sees it and smiles. We walk over there and we check the cave for any animals. We put our stuff in and set up a fire. I feel the air turn colder as the day goes on. "Do feel that?" I say as a chilling breeze comes in the cave. "Yeah" Finnick says "I knew this arena would be weird" I nod as we eat our food. "The district 3 girl shouldn't be much of a threat and I haven't seen the district 7 kids, District 9 boy probably is just about dead because we hurt him at the cornucopia, district 8 boy is around the cornucopia, so the only people we have to worry about is Terra and Ryker" Finnick says. I hear the cannon go off. "Who was that?" I ask scared. Finnick points to the sky and a minute later the sky is lit up with Luster, Royce, Siren, and Bran. I feel my heart sink again. "Don't you just feel terrible?" I say. "Sometimes" Finnick replies and stares at me "No one expected this to ever happen again". He moves closer to me. "Maybe you should get some rest" He says and points to my arm. "No" I say "I can take first watch". "I'm not going to kill you Ada and I trust you enough not to kill me." He says sincerely. I nod and walk to the sleeping bags that he had in his backpack from the cornucopia. We are down to 5 tributes. I didn't expect to make it this far. Even though me and Finnick made an "Allience" we said that we would separate at 5 tributes. We haven't but I don't really care. I don't want Finnick to die and I will make sure he doesn't. Its gotten extremely colder since the afternoon and I shiver. Finnick takes off his wind braker and puts it on me. "Stop" I say "What are you doing" He rolls his eyes and says "They will probably release more mutts tomorrow if we don't give them a show."

Back in the Capitol: 

"Well" Haymitch says "Looks like the pretty district 4 boy and Adalyane have TEAMED up". "This won't end well" Katniss mutters. Johanna walks in there room. "Idiots" She says "I'm mentoring brainless idiots." "Calm down {(Jamal) HEHEH}" Haymitch says. Johanna rolls her eyes and walks out of the room. "I don't know who's side to be on anymore" Peeta says. "I don't know either" Katniss agrees "I mean I have known Finnick since he was a baby and Adalayne is from our district I -". "Yes" Haymitch repeats "Adalayne  is from OUR District we are HER mentors" "Your right" Katinss says "I just wish this never happened"

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