Chapter 7: Training

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Katniss is shaking me again. I'm almost late. I put on my red, grey, and black district 12 training suit and head over to the building with Hugo. I remembered everyone's names so they would somewhat like me when I talked to them.

I walk in and already I see people "training". A woman from the capital walks out. All she says is basically we are going to die one way or another. I check on the careers. The District 1 boy and the Distric 1 girl are throwing spears and using swords. The District 2 girl and boy are playing with knives. District 4 are using tridents. I watch Finnick, most of the girls are. I don't know how I could ever kill him. He spears about 5 fake people in the neck. Siren is good but not as amazing as him. Siren looks at me with a disgusted look and lifts both of her eyebrows. I roll my eyes. The district 3 tributes, Chip and Elecc are fooling around with some wires. Nara is watching Forrest use an axe while she slingshots random objects. Everyone else is just looking around. I go over to the bow and arrow section and Hugo goes the climbing section. I grab a silver bow and some arrows. I put the arrow on the string and pull back my arm and aim. The capitol weapons feel so weird. BAM. My arrow misses the whole person. I didn't realize the careers were watching me until I heard Siren cackel. I grab more arrows and shoot 4 fake people right in their chest. I look over at the careers and scoff. Finnick is watching me and he looks pleasantly supprised. I axel at almost everything that involves anything but weapons. I go back over to the bow and arrow section and shoot more. Dead center. Again. Siren comes over again and watches me. "Is there something you want" I ask rudely. Siren cackles again. "Can you just shut up for once" I yell. More people are looking at us. She spits in my face. I couldn't help myself. She made me so angry. I punched her right in the nose and she punched me back. "YOU BITCH" she screamed. I could feel blood coming out of my nose. I kick her knee and she screams in pain. She grabs me and we both topple to the ground. She was trying to pull my face away as I was trying to rip out her hair. I feel two big arms grab me. It was Finnick. Finnick was touching me. "Calm down" He said soothingly in my ear. I did for a little but then I screamed. Royce was holding Siren back as I tried to break free from Finnicks arms. "IM GOING TO GET YOU BACK" Siren screeches. "WELL IM GOING TO KILL YOU" I yell back. 

Me and Siren went to the hospital later that day and didn't say anything to each other or look at each other. I held an ice pack to my head and Sirens hair was all ruffled. I was so tired and I suppose she was to. I wanted Finnick to touch me again. Just something from him.  

Haymitch slams his fork on the table. "WHAT DID I TELL YOU" He yells "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO MAKE ALLIES NOT ENEMIES" I don't make eye contact. "Jesus" Haymitch says. "At least the capitol hospital could make you look back to normal" Effie Suggests. "When you do that assessment tomorrow show them what your good at. Try to make yourself stand out" Peeta says. After that we eat dinner in silence. Jonathan and Lavender didn't come. I get my pajamas on and try to fall alseep. Katniss comes into my room. "Tommorow you are going to get a number on how well you perform in front of my friend Plutarch" Katniss says "Get a goodnight sleep...again" She leaves my room and closes the door. She opens it again. "This is going to be a different hunger games" She whispers"You can't prepare for this, its going to be more deadly, there are going to be more mutts and obstacles. Stay safe. Stay alive for everyone". She closes the door again.

I start to panic. I don't know how I'm going to win. Alone. 24 of us go in, only one comes out. 

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