Chapter 18: Stay with me

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I immediately jerk up. Katniss, Peeta, Jonathan and Haymitch have been waiting for me to wake up. "What happened?" I ask faintly. "It's over" Peeta says. "Where's Finnick?" I ask. I am handcuffed to the bed. "Wheres-" I say but Haymitch cuts me off. "He's dead" Haymitch says but Katniss smacks him hard on the side. "He's alive" Katniss says "He's in the other room". Haymitch is trying to keep from laughing after his "joke". I lie back down knowing he is ok. "What happened ?" I ask. "We got everything under control but we only had enough time to save you and Finnick," Katniss says "No more hunger games". "Promise?" I ask. "Most definitely," Katniss says. "Get some rest" Katniss says and I fall back asleep wondering if the whole thing was a dream. But it wasn't I still had a big cut on my leg and my arm still hurt. 

I wake up again. The clock says 9:35. I must have slept through the night but I had a terrible dream. Jonathan is sitting next to my bed. "Hi" I say. But Jonathan doesn't say anything and hugs me. "Are you ok Ada?" He asks. "Yes" I say but I'm really not. "I was so scared watching the games" He says. "They were interesting and people died in interesting ways... but your my friend Ada and I -". He used the word "friend". I am relieved. I lie back down on the bed "I'll let you get some rest" Jonathan says politely and leaves. 

I wake up in a pool of sweat on the hospital bed. Another nightmare. I get up in my hospital gown and decide to visit Finnick. I open my door and walk over to his room. In the hallway I come across Annie who gives me a smile. I smile back. I see him through a window sitting, staring at a wall with multiple bruises and cuts. I open the door. His face lights up and I sit down with him. "Hey Ada" He says. "Hi Fin" I say back. "I missed you" He says. I put my hand on his face and rub his cheek with my thumb. "Do you know what happened?" I ask. "No" he replies and removes my hand"No one will tell me anything, but someone mentioned Snow's son. I'm just glad your ok". "I just blacked out and woke up in this hospital bed" I say my eyes filling with tears "I thought I was dead, I thought you were dead-" 

But I stop talking and kiss him on the lips, hard, as I've wanted to do for so long. After several long, breathless moments I feel him grin and pull me closer. Its incredible. Its better then anything I could have ever dreamed of. Just him, and me, and us, and nothing else matters. 

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