Chapter 9: Interveiws

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In the morning Jez rushed through the door. He showed me the dress. It was a basic grey dress with some lace and flowy fabric on the bottom with no sleeves. It looked alright but it was simple. Hugo had a black and red shining suit. It obviously looked better but I tempered myself down. Jez told me he would save the elegant fancy outfits for when one of us wins. IF one of us wins. 

Later we go to the building where the interviews are being held. It looks like a big theater. Haymitch tells me to be funny and make people like me as him, Katniss, and Peeta walk to the seats. Me and Hugo go into separate rooms to get changed. I come out and don't look that bad. I see Ceaser Flickerman get unhandcuffed. I stare and he stares back. He must have been punished or got into jail or something. His neon green hair is making me nauseous. I go over to the food and stuff some cake in my mouth. Wow, that's good cake I thought. Finnick walks over to me. Everyone is wearing big atrocious costumes and crazy makeup. while me and Hugo were the only normal looking ones with stage makeup. I can tell he had just been crying. "Hey" he says in his normal voice. "Hi" I say back "It must suck having your mom as your mentor, Im sorry". "Dont be" He says and smiles. I feel butterflies in my stomach. A speaker tells us to get into our order in line and I say goodbye. Im second to last in the line. I see everyone's interveiw on a small TV after they introduce Ceaser flickerman for the last time. Luster is wearing a big poofy pink dress and lots of sparkely makeup. "So, Luster how are you feeling" Ceaser asks.  "aMaZinG" She says bubbly. She is SO fake. I honestly can't deal with female tributes like her. Royce has the same attitude and says he is ready to kill. Terra wears a slick purple and black dress with lots of eyeliner. Ryker has a matching outfit. They were both very chill and I could tell the audience was interested. Siren obviously was complaining and the audience loved Finnick. Nara was wearing the most ugly outfit EVER. I felt bad for her. It was a blinding lime green and her hair was in a messy bun. Everyones outfit was something interesting but it was a lot to keep track of. Maybe Jez knew that everyone would have crazy outfits and we would stand out because we didn't. 

A capitol worker fixes my dress and makeup as I wait backstage for Ceaser to announce my name. 

"And now" he says "Its time for our very special district 12 girl, mentored by the famous Katniss Everdeen, Peeta Mellark, and Haymitch Abernathy. ..... ADALAYNE GOLDING!"

I walk on stage and wave with my beautiful grey dress flowing behind me. My makeup glimmers in the light. 

"Wow" Ceaser says. I put on my fake personality and smile and wave some more before sitting down. 

"So Ms. Adalayne your stylist obviously wanted to make you stand out this year" He says. "Of course he did Ceaser," I say proudly. "Now" Ceaser pretend whispers, "A little birdie told me you volunteered. What made you want to volunteer?" "Oh Ceaser" I say "It was the right thing to do for that poor little girl" I overdramtically frown. The audience laughs. 

"Ok". "There must be so much pressure on you Adalyane, do you feel obliged to be like Katniss?" Ceaser asks.

"In some ways" I reply. 

"Oh" Ceaser says "such a pity" 

The audience awwws.

"WEAPONS" Ceaser announces " Adalayne Golding, do you have any special skills or weapons that you can use" 

"I can use a bow and arrow" I say "And I can fight, climb, and use knives"

"EXQUISITE" Ceaser says "Just like a minature Katniss"

"Can you shoot accurately?" 

"Well, you could say that" I reply smugly.

The cameras focus on my mentors.  Katniss smiles. 

"Ok let me see your dress" Ceaser announces.

I get up and he puts his finger in a spinning motion which I assume means he wants me to spin around. 

I spin. The beautiful flowy folds of my dress spin around me. 

The audience claps and whistles. I smile.


Hugo gets on stage after. He did much better than me. The audience liked him better. I feel like I'm going to throw up. 

After the interviews I run to the bathroom and have a panic attack. I can't breathe. Tears are coming out of my eyes. I don't want to be here. I don't want to be in Panem. I throw up . Katniss walks through the door. "Hey" She says soothingly "You did great, don't be too hard on yourself. The interviews aren't the end of the world." I calm down a little. Outside of the bathroom Finnick was waiting for me. I looked horrible. "Hey" he said "Are you ok?" He looks at me. He cares about me. I feel the butterflies in my stomach. "Yeah" I reply, but Katniss pulls me away. Finnick looks at me sadly.

I walk into the main area. Haymitch pats me on the back. I start to think I was over reacting, which I was. 

At dinner we talked about what would happen tomorrow. "So" Haymitch quizzes "Are you going to run to the cornucopia?" "No" Hugo says firmly. Haymitch looks at me. "I can do it" I say "I told you I can run fast". "YEAH" Haymitch replies "So can a lot of other people. If you do that your basically going on a suicide mission." "Fine" I say. "I will run away from the cornucopia" "Make sure to grab a back pack with supplies if you can" Katniss adds. "Alliances might be helpful because you don't know what arena your going to walk into" Peeta says. "Don't be afraid to turn your back on other districts" Haymitch adds. "And don't die" Katniss says. Me and Hugo nod. I get ready for bed but I can't sleep. I'm afraid. I have no idea what to do. There are so many rules, so many instructions. I get up and walk to Hugo's room.

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