Chapter 12: Embrace the Probability of Your Imminent Death

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Back at the capitol:

"OH SHIT" Haymitch yells. "What?" Peeta asks. "SHES RUNNING" Haymitch yells again. "To the cornucopia?" Katniss asks. "What the hell do you think" Haymitch replies. He gets up and walks away. "She's gonna die" Haymitch keeps repeating "That stupid child".  "Uh" Peeta says "Shes not dead yet. In fact..." Haymitch looks up at the screen with his jaw wide open.

Ada's POV:

Somehow I make it to the cornucopia. My legs are burning. People are running closer. I quickly grab a bow and a quiver full of arrows. I put the quiver on my back. I need to move faster. My adrenalin is out of the roof. I grab a backpack full of supplies. Suddenly Vivian appears. She grabs a knife. I aim and shoot her in the neck. I don't know what I was thinking. I wasn't thinking. I wasn't showing any mercy. I grab a small knife and put it in my cargo pants on one side and grab a larger sword for Hugo and put it in my belt on the other side. I feel so heavy but start running into the forest. On the way, I shoot Lymit who tries to stab me. I'm almost in the forest. Just as I'm almost there something pushes me to the ground. Tamara. I forget what district shes from. She screams. I use my leg to push her over so I am on top of her. I move to the left. I don't want to kill her. She is only 13 and was able to push me over. I feel a sharp pain on my right arm. Terra threw a knife and it skimmed my right arm hitting Tamara in the middle of her throat. I feel the blood pour out of my arm. I get up and run for my life. I feel the trees around me but I keep running. I'm running where me and Hugo planned to meet. I feel tired and sit down. I did it. I survived the blood bath. How? I have no idea. I look in my backpack. It has a few waters and some food. I'm soaked in sweat. I drink a little. It's almost dark, probably the best time to hunt tributes. I still trying to process what I've done. I've killed 3 innocent children. Children with people who care and love them. I feel my heart sink. I feel tears come out of my eyes. After a couple of minutes, I'm sobbing loudly. I counted 10 cannons since the blood bath. I hear a whisper come from a nearby bush. "Ada?".

"HUGO!?" I whisper. He comes out of the bush and hugs me. "Thank god your alive" I say. "I ran directly into the arena" He replies. "Are you thirsty? Hungry? Do you need water, Hugo? " I say. "I'm fine" He says. I take out sleeping bags from the backpack from the cornucopia and give him the sword I retrieved. "Wow!" He says "I'm so glad your here Ada". I give him a smile. We set up the sleeping bags against a tree. I lean on his shoulder. He doesn't show affection after all I've done for him. I start to get pissed off. I turn the other way. "All of the careers are alive" Hugo says "Terra, Finnick, Luster, Royce, The other one, and that weird named girl". "Siren" I grumble. Why would Finnick ever join the careers I think to myself. Just while I was thinking the arena sky lights up. The horn of plenty starts playing while the dead tributes show up in the sky. Chip, Lymit, Mecha, Aero, Tamara, Twyla, Bran, Angus, Vivian, and Soy light up the arena sky. I feel a tear come out of my eye. I tell myself that I need to be a numb, emotionless, killer but I just can't. I fell asleep on the ground that night, that's something I will never do again.

I wake up to the sound of Siren cackleing. I see her standing on top of Hugo's dead body. He was impaled by her trident. I start screaming. I feel my face turn red. I grab my bow and arrow and try to shoot her, but she doges my arrow. I see her run away with my backpack full of supplies and Hugo's sword. I can see him barely breathing. "HUGO" I scream with pain in my voice. Tears are falling out of my eyes and I can't control them. "HUGO" I scream. "Your gonna be ok" I say but my voice cracks. I'm shaking. "Its ok Ada" He says faintly "Sing". 


(La, la, la, la,

La, la, la, la, la, la,

La, la, la, la, la, la. . .)

You're headed for heaven,
The sweet old hereafter,
And I've got one foot in the door.
But before I can fly up,
I've loose ends to tie up,
Right here in The old therebefore.

I'll be along
When I've finished my song,
When I've shut down the band,
When I've played out my hand,
When I've paid all my debts,
When I have no regrets,
Right here in
The old therebefore,
When nothing
Is left anymore.

I'll catch you up
When I've emptied my cup,
When I've worn out my friends,
When I've burned out both ends,
When I've cried all my tears,
When I've conquered my fears,
Right here in
The old therebefore,
When nothing
Is left anymore.

I'll bring the news
When I've danced off my shoes,
When my body's closed down,
When my boat's run aground,
When I've tallied the score,
And I'm flat on the floor,
Right here in
The old therebefore,
When nothing
Is left anymore

When I'm pure like a dove,
When I've learned how to love,
Right here in
The old therebefore,
When nothing
Is left anymore.


I see the life fading out of his eyes as I sing.  "It's ok" I say." Your going to be ok"  I finish the song.

I hear the boom of the cannon. I scream with my face stained with tears.

I'm going to get revenge.

I'm going to kill Siren.

I'm going to make her pay. 

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