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Welcome to I-LAND.

I-LAND is an independent country. Built in an independent island.

I-LAND is isolated from other countries. And not many knows the reason why.

Every 3 years. A large cruise from I-LAND travels around the world to gather contestants for a mysterious game.

Only the ones that have guts to join an anonymous game are willing to board the cruise.

Though none knows what the game will be. They know what can be achieved.

Not only eternal respect and glory. Something more that is much bigger than any of them.

I-LAND is filled with mysterious quests. It have its own life. And in the very heart of the island, stood a very old but historical castle.

The castle have many names.

During the first game, it was called Castle Bulletproof. Then Castle Black, Castle Itzy and the previous name was Castle Dream.

The champions of the game can never leave the I-Land. They will be somewhere watching.

And the ones to find the next worthy champions.

So I hope you got what I meant about the names of the castles.

Anyway I'll say it...

Castle Bulletproof. Because if I write Castle BTS, it doesn't really sound like it has something to show. And it's a little off to say it that way. (No offense)

Castle Black. Same reason so I just took the Black from Blackpink.

Castle Itzy. Well I don't think it sounds bad so I'll leave it that way.

And Castle Dream. It will definitely sound off if I put Castle Tomorrow by Together (no offense again). Or even Castle Txt. So if you're familiar of Soobin introducing their group, he would always say 'One Dream'. That's where I got the Dream.

Other than that. There will be meanings behind the names of the Castle that reflects its champions.

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