Chapter Seven ~ Ça En Vaut La Peine

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The next morning, Ted and I share a grin as we hand in our Potions homework, and then Slughorn begins the class.

"Good morning everyone! Now, as you all know, every year I hold a little get-together around Christmas time! Usually I only invite a few people, but I've decided to branch out a bit this year and invite this whole class, as a thank you for being one of the best NEWT Potions classes I have ever taught." he announces proudly, and the people that have been to a Slug Club Christmas party before nod politely, though knowing that it shall be boring, and those who haven't been before start talking excitedly amongst themselves.

Ted and I meet eyes from across the room, and he grins at me.


The days leading up to Slughorn's Christmas Party, which is to be held on Christmas Eve, pass so quickly that you wouldn't believe it.

We get Thursday the 22nd if December and Friday the 23rd off, and a Hogsneade trip is set up for the Thursday.

Izzy and I decide to go, as both of us need to get new dresses for the occasion.

Slughorn's Christmas parties are always very formal - the boys have to wear dress robes and the girls have to wear dresses.

"'Dromeda! Are you ready to go?"  calls Isabella from the form room. I'm inside the bathroom, just putting the finishing touches on my makeup.

With a quick swipe of lipgloss, I call back, "Coming!" and unlock the bathroom door.

After grabbing my purse and small bag, we head down to the Entrance Hall, and from there go to Hogsmeade.

Izzy keeps babbling about how hot she thinks Zabini is, and why she thinks he should date her.

"I mean - we would be a power couple! AmIRight?" she says sassily, and I burst out laughing.

"Sure!" I agree, and she grins as she asks, "What's it like working with him? As prefects I mean.".

"He's ok! We get along fine, but he can be a little bit annoying. You know, now that I think about it, you two would be a match made in heaven. Or hell." I reply, and receive a light playful thump on my shoulder.

We laugh all the rest of the way down, and the first thing we do is walk into the dress shop on Hogsmeade's main street.

"Ooooohhhh! This is going to be fun!" Izzy sing-songs, rubbing her hands together in eager anticipation.

Let's go then!

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