Chapter Twenty-One ~ Libre Comme L'Air

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"How dare you!" Father shouts angrily, as Mother sobs.

"I dare! I'm done with this family! I've had it! I'm so sick of you always being prejudiced! It's not right! I know muggle borns! I talk to them! I know muggle borns who are better witches and wizards than some people in this room! Your blood Status does not define who you are!" I shout, just letting everything out.

Silence follows my angry words, only broken by my Mother's sobs.

"See, I told you." Cissy then says quietly. "I told you that she hung around muggle borns. That Ted Tonks in her year. A Hufflepuff mudblood.".

I glare at Narcissa, and my parents faces tell me all I need to know. I see Regulus and Sirius, my young cousins, look up at me in shock, just before their mother Walburga blocks them from my view.

"Right! That's it! Screw you! I'm done with this stupid family!" I say, and I quickly summon my emergency suitcase from my bedroom (I always have one packed just in case and thankfully most of my stuff is at Hogwarts anyways) and the portion of money that's for me that I know my parents keep tapped away in part of the kitchen and then disapparate on the spot.

I don't really focus on where I am going, but I end up at a Muggle train station, surrounded by strange muggles, wearing a red bridesmaids dress.

On second thoughts, perhaps the muggles don't look too strange in comparison to me!

I look up at the train times, and thank goodness that last year I had taken a like to Muggle money so I collected some and head towards the exit, seeing that there was a train to Scotland leaving in ten minutes.

I quickly pay for my ticket and then go in my way.

As I walk towards the exit, slipping through the thronging crowd, clutching on to my small bag with all of my strength it hits me.

I am not Andromeda Black. Not any more.

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