Chapter Twenty-Two: Proposal

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"When hope is lost.
Where there's no light
to shine.
And all is well
To disappear.
Keep waiting.
For the Sun will always shine."

                                    Created- by me

Rey's POV

I was in no mood for small talk if that's why Ben called my name for.

But after he mentioned that he was there if I needed him...well...I couldn't hold this façade of mine any longer.

I clenched my horse's reins as Ben moved closer to me.

To be honest, all I wanted to do was cry my eyes out right now but nothing would escape my eyes.

I couldn't cry, right now...I didn't even know how.

I was such a mess.

Just when I faced Ben, an overwhelming sense of emotions came over me.

Tears spilled from my eyes.

And one true fact I realized about myself was...

I wasn't strong enough.

Ben's arms embraced me with such care as if I were the most fragile thing.

"Rey, please don't cry."

As much as I wanted to I couldn't.

If anything his words made me cry more.

I clenched the sides of his dark hued cloak, not wanting to let go.

He was all I had left.

My only and last hope.

"What's the matter Rey."

"I'm not strong enough."

"You may think so but you're stronger than you realize. If anything, you're stronger than me."

He moved a lock of my hair to uncover a part of my face.

I felt my eyes lighten, even sparkle at such kindness.

He was absolutely the most caring person I've ever met besides my mother.

He was truly the only one who really sought to see me for me and not just for my appearance.

And I was sure.

This man in front of me, was the man I wanted to marry.

Ben was the only one I could see in my future.

"If I am any is only because of you Ben." We touched foreheads as he gave me a small smile.

His soft doe eyes peered into mine.

His ungloved hand went to my face.

But before he could take the next move my hand stopped him.

"Ben." I spoke to him as he moved away enough to see eye to eye with me.

𝔐𝔶 𝔉𝔞𝔦𝔯 𝔏𝔞𝔡𝔶 (ℜ𝔢𝔶𝔩𝔬 𝔉𝔞𝔫𝔣𝔦𝔠)Where stories live. Discover now