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forty-three | feu par le feu

Mikaelson Compound

Freya Mikaelson, remaining with her one and only precious niece's blood in her system, is in the sitting room off of the compound, in which she is waving a sage smudge stick in the air as she continues casting her significant spell, while Monique and Eden Deveraux closely watch her on. Meanwhile, Elijah Mikaelson is leaning against the large glass window, looking out at the now-raging storm with booming thunders and lightnings.

The blonde witch's eyes are closed as she chants, "Miri benet midicen..."

A genuinely tired sigh leaves Eden, who's visibly impatient at the moment, just as, suddenly, Eva/Rebekah casually walks in and joins them, trailed after closely by both Marcel Gerard and Marisa Westphall, after the pair has already picked her up from the local Lafayette cemetery-- from a spell before they picked Marisa up from home, considering how deeply concerned Cami is of her whereabouts, especially with the raging storm.

Monique turns to look at the arriving trio in great relief, "Rebekah."

"Well, look what the cat dragged in." Eden mentioned them with a smile.

"It's done! I'm de-linked from those children, the coven's almost grateful, and we even beat the rain!" Eva/Rebekah reported.

Monique chuckles good-heartedly, smiling, "I knew you'd make it."

"Well, you can thank Marcel for that." Marisa spoke up gratefully, "Without him, Cami wouldn't even let me step out of the house, which sucks."

"Aww, sweet." Monique averts her curious gaze between Marisa and Marcel.

"Yeah, he's always there when I needed a friend." Marisa truly expressed.

"Well, what can I say? I'm easy like that." Marcel chuckles good-heartedly.

Elijah finally spoke up, "I trust that Davina will play her part?"

Monique simply nods once, "Of course she will. Right, Marcel?"

"Yeah, against my better judgment." Marcel sends a quick glance at the teenage witch, who remains silent once it comes to her former best friend.

Eva/Rebekah shakes her head at her ex, "Stop being so overprotective. If Davina's made Regent to all nine covens, she'll be granted the power to resurrect Kol and the political clout to unite the witches to our cause!"

"Don't pop the champagne just yet. Dahlia said she'd come for the baby, and now a storm springs up out of nowhere? You really think that's coincidence? I don't think so." Marcel wondered aloud of the reminder.

A shaky sigh leaves Monique, "Yeah, that's what I'm worried about too."

"We're all worried. Dahlia's coming for us." Marisa emphasized the ultimatum; the witch will come for anyone who would stand against her.

"Yeah, tell us something we don't know." Eden snapped in annoyance.

"Well, regardless of her power, she needs to be dealt with." Elijah turns back to look at his blonde elder sister, who remains working on the spell alone, "Fortunately, we have a weapon." Leverage, to be precise, being the bait.

Monique, who remains aching with guilt by the hint, quickly shushes him while Freya looks up at him, still not pleased about her role in the plan.

Marcellus spoke up once again, "Look, no offense, but are we really going to put all our eggs in one still-kind-of-mysterious basket?" No back-up plan?

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