The Alliance

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During the middle of practice, you got a call from a random number on your phone. Usually you don't answer but this time you just felt like it. You stepped out into the hall and answered the phone. "H-hello?" You asked waiting for a reply. "(Y-y/n)? Is this (y/n)?" "Y-yes? Who is this?" The other voices pauses then sighs. "I-it's Akuno. I wanted to-" "how did you get my number?" You asked not in the mood to talk to him. "My father got the number from your parents but that isnt important right now, I need to meet with you, I think I can get us out of our arranged marriage." You wanted to hang up but if it was anything about getting out of the arranged marriage, you'd listen. "Why do I have to meet up with you?" You asked. "It has to be in private we have to meet somewhere besides my house or your house." "Can't we just speak over the phone?" "No, what if my father over hears me?!" You sighed heavily. "Fine ok, we'll meet up at the park across from my house. 11 pm. Sharp." "Alright see you then." You hang up the phone and when you walked back in the gym, the boys were already cleaning up. Nishinoya was packing up his stuff and you walked over to him. "Hey cutie, ready to go?" He said swinging his bag across his arm. You nod and walk with him home. "Where did you go?" He asked. You looked confused but remembered you left to take the call. "Oh yeah it was just nothing really." He stops in his tracks and looks at you. "Tell me please." You took a deep breath. "It was Akuno but he only-" "Akuno?!" Nishinoyas eyes widened. You shushed him. "Yes, but he wants to get out the arranged marriage too, he told me he found a way you and me could be together." "So, lemme get this straight. Akuno, the guys who literally was obsessed with you and literally kidnapped you, wants to get out of the wedding?" Nishinoya asked with an are you sure about that? Face. You nodded in agreement. "I know it sounds weird but he admits that I should be with you and not him." "As he should think." Nishinoya mutters. "I am meeting him tonight at the park." "Well then I'm coming with!" He said with a little too much pride. "For what?" You asked. "Protection! We literally can't trust this guy." "Good point, meet me at the park at 11 sharp!" "I will." You reached your doorstep and kissed him goodbye. You were the first one home minutes before Asahi came, along with Suga and Daichi. "Hey (y/n) Daichi and Suga are here for a study session. Got a huge test coming up." Asahi said, plopping his bag down on the floor. Suga gave you a quick hug. "Heyyy! You're parents not home?" He asked taking out his books. "Well not yet at least, they come home late more of the time. You say heading upstairs. "Hey (y/n) we're gonna be here for a while, you can go over to Noya's if you're really bored." Asahi said. Your eyes widened and you ran downstairs giving him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you!" You said running out the door. You headed over to Noya's and knocked on his door. He opened it up. "You ok?" He asked letting you in. "Yeah, I'm good. Asahi said I could come here cause they're gonna be studying over at my place. So I thought we could hang out." Noya kissed your cheek. "Sounds fun~ You hungry?" He asked as he went to get a snack from the kitchen. "Yeah get me one too!" You shouted from the living room. He crashed into the couch and passed you (snack). "What do you wanna watch?" He asked, flicking through shows. You both ended up watching (show or movie). In the middle of watching (show or movie) you asked him if he finished up all his work. "Yeah did it all in study hall, you?" You shook your head no. He sighed then laughed. "Well, did you bring your school bag?" You shook your head again. "Well I'll send you the answers when you have to go home." You snuggled back up with him on the couch. He played with your hair as you laid on his chest. It was so soothing just to lay on his chest peacefully, listening to his heart beat.
~~~NISHINOYA'S POV~~~ As she laid on me, I felt her heart beat on mine, I felt them connected as one. I wrap my arms around her and sigh peacefully. I'm going to go crazy if I'm not with her for the rest of my life. Soon she fell asleep and I played with her hair again. It was only 7 pm but I'd knock out too if we both didn't have to get up at 11. I love her so much. I want to take all her worries away. She's lived through something so unimaginable that I can't believe she still smiles brightly. I heard mumble but I couldn't make out what she said. I kissed her forehead again and she smiled a little. Her phone went off and he rubbed her eyes open. "It's my mom." She gets off the couch and answers. "Yes? Why do I have to? I'm not going. Come on mom please? Whatever." She ends the call and sighs heavily. I knew it had to be something about Akuno. "Everything good at home?" I ask and she placed a fake smile on her face. "What yeah everything's fine it's just, my parents are planning to meet up with Akuno and his dad sometime next week to plan out the arranged marriage." "Doesn't your mom not like Akuno either?" I ask confused as hell. "They both hate him but they just don't want to deal with the consequences of his father's power."

Nishinoya x Reader Book 2Where stories live. Discover now