Chapter Eighteen- Snacks

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I wrap my scarf tighter around my neck as I leave the store with some milk, bread, and some snacks for Max and me.

For the past few days, I have been taking care of Max and going with her to her doctor's appointments. She has a couple of bruised ribs and a broken femur, that she apparently did by falling down the steps to get to the subway. But I know it's a lie... Jack even has us going to some specific doctor who has a really nice office, but it does NOT look like a doctor's office.

Looking to my left across the street from where I am, I can see the building the doctor is in. From the outside, it looks like a nicer apartment complex but inside it was a full doctor's office with an operating room too. Which I know is not normal, not even counting the weird way that we enter the building through an underground connection then onto a private elevator to the doctors office. 

I sigh, the last time I asked Jack about it he told me his family is well off and this is their private doctor but I'm not buying it at all. I shiver feeling the cold breeze on me, the past week the stories that Jack, Max and even my brother have been telling me are just not adding up.

I don't have to be a genius to see that Max was obviously beat up, and the entrance to the doctors is so secretive that I don't think you could even tell someone went in or out of the building. I turn the corner heading for our apartment complex.

Max has been in awful shape since it happened and I don't just mean physically. When she told her boss what happened there was a chance that Max could not recover and be able to dance again. She's playing it cool, but I know that it is killing her. Her situation with her dad and now she is losing one bit of freedom she had from her family- I can't imagine what is going on in her mind.

I start heading up the stairs grabbing tighter on my bags. My mind has been all over the place especially since I know both my brother and Jack have been lying even more than Max.

Opening the door, I smile at Kat studying at our kitchen table with books everywhere. She has been coming over and helping to take care of Kat while I have been working but said that our place is more calm then her library so she's been coming here to study.

"Hey Dawn, got anything good?" Kat asks, trying to look in my bags.

I smile, "I guess I got you a little something," I start digging in the bag for a bag of chips for Kat.

"No way!" Kat says in surprise at the chips, "I love you so much, this is the best gift I've had in awhile."

As Kat devors the chips, I head into Max's room to see how she is doing, " How are you feeling?" I ask as Max puts her phone down.

"Honestly I would rather have another broken leg then deal with this lung pain," Max jokes, trying to sit up while holding her hands out for the snacks I bought for her.

Max looks behind me to see Kat, "I'm heading out for my afternoon class, I'll see y'all tomorrow."

Both Max and I say our goodbyes and Kat heads out. Max stays quiet waiting for her to leave, and shut the door. Once we hear the door shut Max whispers, "Is she gone?"

I give her a weird look, "Um I think so why?"

"Go check real quick." Max nudges me to go look into the hallway, I get up and look out the door where there is no Kat anymore.

"Ya she's gone, what's up?" I say suspiciously

Max smiles, "So earlier when you were gone, she thought I was sleeping and no joke I swear she was talking to your annoying brother!"
My eyes go huge, "No way!! They wouldn't even go near each other!"

"Yes way, literally heard her say something about them talking all night, and how she would meet up with him to talk about it."

"Talk about what?" I question,

Max shrugs, "No idea, but it sounded romantic if you know what I mean."
"Eww okay I don't want to know anymore." I make a face, not wanting to hear about it anymore.

Max laughs and I help her up and into the kitchen. We chat as I made dinner for us about random things before I finally get the courage to ask the question that has been driving me nuts.

Putting down my fork, "Max, I have a question."

"Mhm ya what's up?" Max says shoveling more food in her mouth.

"What actually happened?"

Max gives me a weird look, "When? With Kat?"

I shake my head, "No the night when you got hurt."

"Mhm," Max puts more food in her mouth, "I told you, I was drunk and I trip-"

"No." interrupt, surprising Max "Max I know that isn't true." 

"Dawn, I don't know what-"
"Max" I interrupt again, "Stop with the story. I know you mean well but the boys have already told me about a million different versions and that doctor is really fucking weird."

Max sighs, "I can't, we are only trying to protect you..." She trails off finally admitting that the story was a lie.

"From what exactly?" I say crossing my arms, "From whoever did this to you?"

Max tenses, but stays calm, "It wasn't Jack's idea it was mine... I don't want you to blame him."

I rub my face in my hands, "I don't blame any of you, but being in the dark like this can't be protecting me!" I set my hands down on the table, "I mean really- I've been going everyday to the doctors with you.." I pause as Max's eyes widen and she looks panicked.

"Oh fuck, that's what it was!" Max says, grabbing for her phone.

"Max what are you talking about?" I question even more confusion than before.

Maz pauses, and turns to me, "Wait what store did you go to?" 

"Um.. The one a couple blocks away..?" I say confused not understanding why that is important.

"Like the one you can walk to or that organic one you take the train to?" Max questions, looking a little bit scared.

I make a face, "I don't understand why it matters...?" I trail off.

"Dawn." Max says, "Which one did you go to?"

"Just the one down the street, I thought the fresh air would be nice..." I admit watching Max's face for answers, "They have better junk food, so I've been stopping there after work.."

Her face drops as I say it, "Damn it."

"What?" I ask, not understanding why she is upset.

All of a sudden there was a loud knock on the door and Max jumps up immediately, wincing off her bad leg.

"Dawn is the door locked?" She whispers, still limping bad as I run to grab her arm.

"No not after Kat left," I whisper back starting to get scared of what is happening.

Max nods that she heard and starts, "Okay go back-" She starts when the door is flung open by a panicked looking Jack.


HAPPY FRIDAY! Y'all get ready for things to get spicy!!

Anyone got any good plans for the weekend??

Love you all, stay safe and healthy 

Mama Em<3

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