Prologue: Meet the squad!

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A/N: This is gonna be a type of prologue so you guys can learn all about the squad before we get into the story! Hope you enjoy learning about them all! 😁

Eilidh: Eilidh is the most innocent out of all of the crew. She's known as the little kid of the group along with Charlie. She's always cheery and is always willing to help her friends. Apart from Cecilia, she's the newest member to the squad and is usually the most confused when it comes to the squads shenanigans (and Mary's memes.) She sometimes questions if she is just getting in the way of everyone else and asks herself if she really fits in. She's a sometimes quiet person and just likes to blend in with everyone and just goes with the flow, but she does have her moments of you push her far enough.

Mary: Mary is the walking talking meme of the group and quotes memes like it's her region. Her hair colour changes all of the time and it seems to get crazier each time. She's the crazy alcoholic aunt of the crew. She can be a bit out there and act like she doesn't really care, but in reality, she cares for her friends and will protect them with her life. When Mary heard Charlie was on an adventure she was dying to come with her and when Charlie said it was ok Mary was thrilled. She's always wanted to kick bad guys asses. Funny thing is; Mary is known as the group therapist and will always listen to everyone's worries and problems, but when it comes to her own, she stays quiet, doesn't talk about them and just makes memes.

Bryony: Bryony is one of the most sarcastic out of the squad and is known as the alcoholic mother (relax. Bryony and Mary don't really drink. It's just an ongoing joke between everyone.) It might seem like Bryony couldn't care less about others and for most people that's true, she doesn't really care for many people and hates humans in general. But when it comes to the squad; Bryony will be there for them and will do anything for them. Bryony will make jokes about everyone but not to be taken in a bad way. Bryony has been known to be rather cunning and is in Slytherin when it comes to the Harry potter houses. Bryony may seem cold, but has a big heart for everyone in the squad and views them all as her children.

Celeste: Celeste is known as the moody teenager in the squad. She can go in a huff easily and is known for getting in fights with her friends. Celeste is probably tied with Bryony when it comes to sarcasm. She might be really grouchy at times but she still enjoys everyone's company. She might make a mean joke every now and then but she really doesn't mean it. She puts on a hardshell but in reality she cares about her friends and just wants them to stay safe. Celeste does wonder sometimes if the things she says really hurts her friends but they try and reassure her that it doesn't mean anything.

Cecilia: Cecilia may have only just joined the squad but she's settling in really well and is already being called the big sister of the group. Cecilia is thrilled that she got to come to our earth and is loving every second of it. She admits that she was nervous that people wouldn't like her but when she met Charlie, that changed in an instant. Cecilia looks out of everyone and keeps everyone from being stupid (especially Mary.) Cecilia has been through a lot and knows a lot about the sisters from her world. Cecilia is a human though, just one from a different dimension and with powers. Now, she wants to protect everyone with her life. Cecilia is struggling with something though; it seems like her feels for Charlie might not just be as a friend...

Charlie: Charlie is also known as the child of the squad just like Eilidh. She's an optimistic person and keeps the squads spirts high. She loves her videogames; especially Nintendo. She cares about her friends more then anything in the planet and there more like family then her real family. Charlie struggles to trust people since she was bullied a lot in primary school and didn't really have anyone to talk to. She bottles up her feels because she feels it makes life easier for everyone. When Charlie got the amulet. Her whole life change and it showed her a world she had never seen before. Literally. But not just a new world. It showed Charlie a whole different side of herself. Charlie is willing to put her life on the line over and over again for her friends. She'll stay by there sides as long as she lives.

And those are our main girls! This is gonna be our main crew from here on out and I hope you enjoy all of them. We will learn more about them as time goes on but this is only the start after all! I hope to see you all in soon in The Amulet: Lost in The Wild! 💞🥰💞

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: Lost In The Wild (Book 2)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant