Chapter 1: Stupid Fights

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A/N: Before you start reading this book I recommend you read The Amulet: A Hero's Beginning since that is the first book in this series. With that out of the way, let's get started!

“So explain that to me one more time?" Bryony asks.

I sigh a little and eat my snack. Mary tries to steal one of Celeste's crisps but Celeste bats her hand away. Eilidh snorts and Cecilia laughs to herself. I’m hanging out with Bryony, Mary, Celeste, Eilidh and Cecilia behind the school. It’s been two weeks since me and Cecilia came back from saving the Bean Bean kingdom...and things have changed quite a lot for me.

Ever since we came back I have been braided so much it’s unbelievable! News stations have been bugging me about wanting to ask me questions about my powers and what other universes are like but I really don’t want to go talking about stuff that I’m not hundred percent sure on. In the future when I know more about it sure but not when I’ve just started this whole superhero thing! They've come to my house, constantly phoned me, and even came to the school once!

Thankfully, my friends have been a huge help. They haven't treated me any differently and still think of me as me. Unlike other people…

“Ok, so what happened was I had just come home from school and for the fifth time this week. Another news station was wanting to interview me about my powers!” I reply.

“So? don’t they always do that?” Celeste asks as she eats her crisps.

I look at Mary who I have already told the story. “She told them to fuck off and leave her alone.” Mary finishes, laughing.

Bryony stares at me with her mouth open while Celeste laughs with Mary. “Are you kidding? I never thought you had it in you to swear.” Bryony grins.

I roll my eyes. “Ha, ha very funny.” I deadpan.

Cecilia looks at me. “Don’t worry about it Charlie, there bothering me just as much as there bothering you.” She reassures.

“How come they don’t just come to your door?” Eilidh asks me.

“Because they don’t know where I live. Remember that I don’t have any social media. And I don't tell many people where I live unless there my friends, like you guys” I tell her.

“Same here.” Cecilia agrees.

Cecilia has also managed to fit in with all of us amazingly! It’s like we’ve known her for years! She's really kind, funny, insanely smart and amazing person.

“Yeah. No one knows where you live. Not even us! Why wouldn’t you just tell us!” Mary asks Cecilia.

Cecilia smirks. “We all have our secrets; and that’s mine.”

I laugh. “Trust me I’ve been asking her this question for ages. She hasn’t given me any hints.” I add as I put my arm around Cecilia.

Mary raises an eyebrow and turns to Cecilia and then me, but doesn’t say anything. Cecilia's face goes slightly pink but I don't pay attention to it. She usually does that...and it is really cute.

“So, on a different topic; have things gotten better with your dad?” Eilidh asks me.

I sigh and shake my head. “No. He’s still being a dick.” I growl, annoyed.

Since I came home. He’s not said a single word and I honestly want it to stay that way. He’s never really been very nice when it comes to...anything when I really think about it. Always tried to find a negative in everything... My mum, on the other hand, has been trying to help me in any way she can. I don’t think she’s thrilled that her daughter has powers but she’s trying. As for my brother...he’s just being himself. Nothing new. He still acts the same.

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