Chpater 16: The Blood Moon Rises

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We all start to make our way to Rito village. All of our thoughts racing. No one had really spoke which makes sense after what happened. Seeing all of these places we destroyed...and for what reason? I don’t understand it. This is the last Divine beast and I can’t help but think. Even if we do save this one. What do we do after that? Try and face Ganon, the sisters and the three other Divine beasts? I want to try and keep my hopes up but it's hard when you know that everything is against you. I sigh softly to myself.

I can’t shake these thoughts. No matter how hard I try, and I still have my own problems. What do I do when I go home? I still have my ‘dad’ to worry about and that person in my head is only getting louder instead of quieter. Plus! I still have to deal with the fact I have powers! I’m supposed to be dealing with exams and teenage drama. Not the fact that I have to save two worlds at once, and this isn’t even my first time! I growl to myself and Bryony notices.

“You doing alright there?” She asks me, slightly concerned.

I look at her and sigh.

“...Yeah. Just thinking about everything that has happened. It’s a lot to say the least.”

Bryony laughs.

“I know. One minute I’m sitting at home and watching T.V. The next I’m in the Legend of Zelda trying to save the world! But it’s not that big a change, is it?” Bryony asks, sarcastically.

I laugh weakly.

“I would say it is.”

Bryony puts her hand on my shoulder.

“Look; if you can deal with bullying, your dad hitting you and the sisters. Then you can deal with this.” Bryony tells me, trying to encourage me.

I smile at her.

“Thanks for the vote of confidence.” I smile.

Bryony smiles back.

“Someone has to look after you.” She smirks.

I laugh.

I look around and realize we haven't seen anyone in a while. Usually we just pass by some people but this time we haven't seen a single soul. It’s weird.

“When did Hyrule become a ghost town?” Mary jokes.

Eilidh rolls her eyes.

“Why do you make a joke out of everything?” She asks.

Mary holds her hands up.

“I’m not joking!...Ok maybe a little but still! We haven't seen anyone for ages now!” Mary exclaims.

Celeste looks around.

“She is right.” Celeste agrees.

I look around, hoping to see someone but don’t. All I can see are trees and cliffs far off in the distance. I look to the sky and can see something large in the sky.

“What’s that?” I ask, pointing to it.

Everyone looks up and we can get a better look at it...shit.

“It’s Vah Medoh!” Zelda yells.

It starts to come closer to the ground and we see something flying next to it. It’s a rito! We all start to run away from it, not wanting to be hit by it. It lands on the ground with a massive crash and we all go flying. We all land on the ground and I turn around to see Vah Medoh has created a massive hold in the ground. I stand up and look to see a nearly unconscious rito next to it. We all go over to him to make sure he’s ok.

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