Chapter 15: Save The City!

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Third person

Everyone who is at Goron city is trying their best to get everyone out of the city as soon as possible. With the added bonus of dodging a ton of meteors. Bryony and Celeste go into houses while Mary and Eilidh try to get everyone who is outside away.

“Unless you want to get hit by meteors. I’d run!” Mary yells to everyone.

Eilidh rolls her eyes.

“Can’t you at least try to be optimistic?” She asks Mary.

Mary sighs.

“Ok then. We’re all gonna fucking die. Is that better for you?” Mary replies.

Eilidh shakes her head and continues to help people. She looks around and sees that there are some small Goron children stuck under some rocks. Eilidh grabs Mary’s arm and points over at them.

“Screw them, they're just children.” Mary says, purposely trying to be annoying.

Eilidh gasps and goes over to help the kids. She bends down and sees them huddled next to each other.

“I’ll get you out of here.” Eilidh tells them.

She stands up and looks at the huge boulder that there stuck under and cringes slightly.

“I’ll help you with that.” Someone says.

Two dark veins of sorts come out from behind Eilidh and wrap around the boulder. It lifts off the ground and the children scamper out. Eilidh turns around and sees Nadia holding one of her arms up. Nadia drops her arm and the boulder falls and the spikes disappear.

“Thanks for the help.” Eilidh says, smiling.

Nadia smiles back.

“No problem.”

Naida turns around a second too late and a meteor comes shooting at her. She covers her face with her arms, unable to do anything else.

“Watch out!” Someone yells.

Yunobo comes running over and puts his arms around Nadia and creates a shield around the both of them. The meteor smashes but leaves the pair of them unharmed. Nadia moves her arms and sees the shield around the two of them. Yunobo moves his arms and looks at Nadia, worried.

“Are you ok?” He asks her.

Nadia looks at him stunned.

“You just saved me.” She says, almost speechless.

“Of course I did. You're my friend.” Yunobo replies.

Nadia looks at him and smiles.

“No one has ever done that for me before...only my sisters.” Nadia mumbles.

Eilidh smiles.

“That’s what friends do for each other. They protect each other.” Eilidh tells Nadia.

Yunobo smiles and nods his head.

“She’s right.” He agrees.

Bryony runs over and looks at the three of them.

“Remember; meteors are falling from the sky!” She yells.

Celeste comes over and shouts over to them all.

“Follow me. We found a place we’ll be safe at.”

Everyone follows Celeste into a small cave where Mary is already in.

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: Lost In The Wild (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now