Chapter 2: Have A Sleepover For The Crying Girl

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I knock on the door to Mary’s house and the second she opens the door, she hugs me and I cry into her shoulder. She takes me inside and we both sit on the couch.

“I’m sorry if I’m annoying you. Being here while I’m in this state might not be the best thing on a Friday.”

Mary shakes her head. “Are you kidding? Charlie your dad just hit you. I’m more than happy with you being a matter of fact...”

She turns on the T.V and then turns on the series 'Ninjago'. Funny story about this series. When me and Mary first met. This was the first thing we talked about. She was sat next to me on a trip to a Jacobite’s museum. It was her first day in our school and ever since then, we’ve been really good friends. I laugh a little as she turns on season seven.

“We have to continue watching Ninjago!” Mary grins.

I can’t help but laugh. “Are we really gonna watch this all day?” I ask her.

“No, just until everyone else gets here.” Mary answers.

I look at her confused. “Did you really invite everyone to your house to make me feel better?”

She grins and does that thing with her hands that an evil genius would do after being...well evil. “Like I said. Your dad just hit you. You fucking need this after that. I don’t want you becoming a whiny bitch like Anakin or being edgy like Kylo ren.”

I burst into laughter as she says this. “Ok, fair enough.” I mumble, agreeing with her.

Mary starts to play Ninjago and we watch it like a pair of idiots, dancing along to the theme tune included. After about two and a half episodes. We hear a knock at the door.

“That’s Bryony. Prepare for her to go full-on mammy bear on you.” Mary smirks.

I smile. She goes and answers the door and the first words out Bryony's mouth are.

“Where’s the crying child?”

I put my hand up as Bryony comes in. She rushes up to hug and laugh a little, already feeling a little better.

“Charlie, I am so sorry that he did that to you.” Bryony says apologetically.

I hug her back and sigh. “I know. It’s not your fault.” I tell her.

She pulls away and gives me some chocolates. Mary looks at the chocolate and then to Bryony

“Hey! Where are my chocolates?” Mary asks, a little salty.

Bryony rolls her eyes and gives Mary some chocolate. Her eyes light up as Bryony hands her the chocolates. I laugh at the pair of them, happy that I have them as friends. Bryony looks at the T.V and raises an eyebrow. “And what are you two nerds watching?”

Mary takes the remote and then changes it to Monsters Inc.

“Mike Wazowski!” She yells as she turns it on.

Bryony sighs, but she’s still smiling. We all sit down and watch the movie, Mary unable to help herself constantly quotes the memes and every time she does, she gets a death glare from Bryony. I sit in between them as we keep watching the movie and we all share a blanket together. Near the end of the movie where Sully is saying goodbye to boo. Mary perks up and says, again.

“Oh this is so sad, Alexia play despacito.”

Bryony reaches over and hits Mary in the back of the head.

“Ow!” She yells, over exaggerating it a little bit.

I laugh at the pair of them but am still crying at the scene. What do you want from me? I cry at Pixar films, and don’t even get me started on Endgame. Just as the movie finishes, we hear another knock at the door. Mary answers it and Celeste, Eilidh and Cecilia come dart in.

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