Chapter 14: A New Friend

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We all walk around trying to find where  Goron city is.

“I thought you’d been there before?” Mary asks Link and Zelda annoyed.

They both exchange a glance.

“Everywhere looks the same. What do you want from us?” Link replies.

He is right. Everywhere is more a less rock and lava. I look up at the volcano and feel a shock go through me. I hope and pray that we can make it before the sisters do. If Ganon manages to get even more power. Will that mean he’ll try to control me and my friends? He did say that he wanted me to join him. As cliche as it is. And no I don’t want to join his side! I wouldn’t even consider it. I much prefer being the good guys side thank you very much. I can't have Ganon controlling anymore people. The thought of my friends trying to hurt me...Cecilia...No. I’m not gonna think about that because it’s not gonna happen.

I go to step forward but Celeste grabs my shoulder and pulls me back.

“You want your foot to be burned off?” Celeste asks me.

I look down and see that I was just about to put my foot in lava.

“Whoops...guess I wasn't paying attention.” I tell her.

I walk around the lava and continue walking.

“Not paying attention? Charlie, there’s lava everywhere! Have you got your head in the clouds?” Celeste asks me.

I laugh nervously.

“Kinda.” I say sheepishly.

“What you thinking about?” Celeste asks me.

I fall silent for a moment.

“Nothing important. Just daydreaming.” I reply.

I don’t want to be a burden on everyone. We’ve got much bigger problems right now.

“You sure?” Celeste asks with an eyebrow rasied.

I smile and nod my head.

“Alright.” Celeste shrugs.

We all continue to walk and it doesn’t seem like we’re even close.

“Why do I feel like we’re going in circles?” Bryony asks.

Mary smirks.

“Probably because we are.” She jokes.

Zelda rolls her eyes.

“We’re not going in circles! I’m pretty sure we’re close now.” Zelda tells us.

“Here’s hoping.” Cecilia sighs.

I look around and swear to god I can see someone watching us. I turn around and see someone behind a rock watching us, but can’t get a view of who. I start to walk towards them and they notice. I look behind the rock and see no one there.

“I’m not really here dumbass!” Someone says behind me.

I turn around and see that person from the dreams I’ve been having! I summon my sword and point it at them.

“How are you here?” I ask, annoyed.

They laugh at me.

“I’m not. I just want a word with you is all. What's wrong with that?” They ask.

I look towards everyone and can’t see them.

“Where is everyone?” I demand.

“I stopped time. No big deal.”

Guardians Of The UltraVerse: Lost In The Wild (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now