Chpater 7: The End of the Yiga Clan

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With our weapons out. We try our best to stealthily make our way to the hideout. We all watch each others backs. Making sure none of the Yiga clan can catch us by surprise. We all make our way to what looks like an entrance and see A LOT of Yiga members guarding it. We all hide behind a cliff and watch them for a moment.

“What do you think Master Kohga is going to do to Zelda and Link?” One of them asks.

The Yiga member shrugs.

“Don’t know. All I heard was that he was gonna kill them.”

My heart skips a beat. Kill them? What have Zelda and Link done to them? Plus I thought that Master Kohga was killed! I mean he did have a massive iron ball fall on him so forgive me for assuming he was dead.

“What about those girls?” A different Yiga member asks.

“Same thing. They’ll be killed.”

I look at Mary and Nadia, really worried.

“What are we supposed to do!?!” Nadia asks us, scared.

I think to myself for a moment.

“We need a distraction. Live bait.” I smirk.

I look at Mary who agrees with me.

“Your right!”

Me and Nadia both look at her knowingly.

“Hey! You can’t be serious?” Mary whines.

“Come on Mary you gotta create a diversion.” Nadia says, trying not to grin.

Mary sighs annoyed.

“What do you want me to do? Put an accent and do a comedy show?” Mary asks.

Me and Nadia both look at each other and smile. I create a mic and hand it to Mary.

“Kinda.” I say smiling.

Mary begrudgingly takes the mic and stares at me and Nadia.

“FUCK. YOU. BOTH.” Mary growls before heading out.

Me and Nadia both stay hidden and watch. Mary taps the mic a few times before talking.

“Hello there ladies and gentlemen. Or from what I can see, just gentleman. Today I am your comedy host. Mary!” Mary puts on a russian accent as she says this.

The members look at her really confused but don’t act on it.

"I bought these shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I was tripping all day!”

Some of the Yiga members laugh while others start to draw their weapons. Me and Nadia both cringe at each other.

“I don’t know who this is worst for. Us or Mary.” Nadia grimaces.

I smirk.

"Probably Mary."

We both turn our attention back to Mary.

“Question for you all. How do you make holy water?”

Everyone stays silent.

“You boil the hell out of it!”

Even more of the Yiga members laugh at this. Apparently they’ve never heard comedy before since they're laughing at these terrible jokes. The Yiga members start to move away from the entrance.

“Come on...just a little more.” I mumble.

“What do you get when you cross a vampire with a snowman?...Frostbite!”

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