Chapter 17: Unexpected Allies

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Me and Zelda leave the portal and I look around to see where we are. It’s Kakariko village! Why did it bring us here? I guess one of us must have been thinking of it when we went through the portal. The village seems to be doing better...which is the only good thing I can think of right now. I turn to Zelda and see there are tears falling down her face. I look at her and unable to keep it together anymore, I practically collapse into her, tears falling uncontrollable down my face. She wraps her arms around me and softly strokes my hair.

“Zelda? Charlie? When did you get here?” I hear someone ask.

I barely turn around and see Paya and Lisa come running towards us.

“What’s going on? Why is the sky red?” Lisa asks us.

I don’t reply and just cry.

“...Come on. Let’s get you two inside.” Paya says.

She puts an arm around me and leads me inside her house. I look around and don’t see Impa anywhere.

“Where’s Impa?” Zelda asks, her voice shaking slightly.

“She’s resting. She's still recovering from the wound and the stress the attack put on her.” Paya tells us.

We all sit down and Lisa turns to me.

“What happened, Charlie? Where are the rest of your friends?” Lisa asks me, worried.

With my voice shaking the entire time. I tell them both what happened. Everything. Paya and Lisa both stare at me shocked.

“ can’t be...Ganon’s back…” Paya says speechless.

Lisa grabs Paya hand, trying to reassure her in some way.

“I know...I don’t know what to say...why did you come here?” Lisa asks us both.

I look at Zelda and shake my head.

“I don’t know…” I say, looking at the ground.

I start to tap the ground next to me with my finger in both anger and sadness. My friends...Link...the champions. All of them are under Ganon’s control. How are we supposed to win? It’s only me and Zelda now! No one else. We can’t ask the other villages to put their lives on the line or they’ll meet the same fate as everyone else.

“I don’t know what to do…” I mumble, with tears in my eyes.

Everyone looks at each other nervously.

“Get your fucking act together.” I hear some yell from behind me.

We all look to see all of the sisters standing behind us...all of them except Nadia. I stand up instantly and summon my sword.

“Why are you here?!? And how did you even know we would come here?!?” I ask with nothing but rage in my voice.

“It was the first place we thought you would come since it’s known as a hidden village... of sorts. Look, Charlie, we’re not looking for a know what scratch that; we are, but not with you.” Diana tells me.

Zelda looks at them all with her magic burning from her hands and Paya and Lisa both stand back to back ready to fight.

“...Naida got taken by Ganon.” Crystal tells us after a long silence, looking away.

I lower my sword and stare at them.

“What?” I say shocked.

“You heard her; Ganon captured her!” Annette shouts, annoyed.

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