Chapter 8: At Fault

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Not too long after we get Link help, we all wait outside to hear if he’ll be ok. His injury was so bad that we had to leave. Zelda is pacing and biting her nails, while the rest of us just stand and try to be as patient as we can. I lean against the wall trying to get all my thoughts together. I haven't even gotten a chance to ask everyone about what happened with the Yiga clan. After a really long silence between us all. Mary breaks it and asks.

“Link’s gonna be ok, right?”

Zelda starts to flap again.

“I don’t know! And it’s killing me!” She says running both her hands through her hair.

“Whoa. You gotta take a deep breath. Link will be fine.” Celeste says, trying to reassure her.

“You don’t know that! He might die because of me!” Zelda says. I can see her start to panic again, even more then before.

“I...I can’t be here. I need to go.” Zelda sighs.

She walks away, still looking really worried and upset. I sigh and start to go after her.

“You sure we shouldn’t give her a minute?” Eilidh questions.

I shake my head.

“When she’s in that state? No way.”

I go after Zelda and grab her shoulder.

“I want to be alone right now.” She says not turning around.

“Zelda; look at the state you're in! You're going to hurt yourself if you don’t calm down. Getting worked up like this isn’t going to help Link.” I tell her.

She seems to flinch when I say 'Link'.

She sighs angrily and turns and looks at me, tears welling up in her eyes.

“...It’s my fault, Charlie.” She says softly.

I wrap my arms around her and she starts to cry, hard.

“Here. I’ll take you somewhere with less people.” I tell her.

I lead her away to just outside of Gerudo town. She wipes her eyes and starts to talk.

“I’m the one who should have been hit Charlie, not Link. I can’t believe I let him get hurt! I hate the fact that this isn’t the first time! During the Calamity, Link got seriously hurt protecting me. He Would have died if the sheikah clan hadn't  found us...I don’t even want to imagine what would have happened to him.”

She holds herself and looks at the ground.

“...I-I promised myself that I won’t let him get hurt like that again. Now I’ve broken that promise entirely. The same thing has happened again.”

I put a hand on her shoulder.

“He’s always going to try and protect you Zelda, and not because he’s your knight. You’d do the same thing for him wouldn’t you?” I ask her.

She looks at me.

“In a heartbeat.” She answers.

“Exactly. He’s always going to try and keep you safe, even if it does hurt him. He loves you Zelda. More than anything in the world.”

Zelda tries to smile.

“I love him too. I know I can’t stop him from protecting me but...I can always protect him.” She says with a weak smile.

I smile back at her.

“I know. I’ve seen the magic that you can do. The last thing I would call you is a damsel in distress.”

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