2. The Twins; Sheila and Alina Jords

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"Give that back!" Ruby growled, chasing after me. I was currently running away from her, a laptop charger in my hand. Why did I decide to do this? Oh right. Because I was bored. I already packed my things and I happened to pass by Ruby's bedroom.

Her door was ajar, making me peek inside. She peacefully packed her things, but my eyes went to her bed, a laptop charger was on it. I crept inside and snatched the laptop charger, but... "Emerald? What are you doing?" I was caught. So, I decided to do the most sensible thing ever and ran away.

Unfortunately, I didn't plan ahead and stopped in front of the elevator. Since Ruby was not too far behind me, she caught me quickly. "Idiot." With a smack to my head, Ruby went back to her room.

"Well, that was surely... Something. And really? A charger?" Diamond came from nowhere making me jump. "I was bored." I shrugged. For some reason, Diamond smacked my head too.

"What was that for?" I whined. Diamond spoke, "You're an idiot. You should've come to me if you wanted Ruby to keep chasing for her charger." I was surprised by what Diamond said, then we high-fived on it. "Next time." No one's too old for jokes.

We went our separate ways. Me to my room and Diamond to the first floor. I pushed the door open and was greeted by the black and green walls of my room. The bed with green blankets and soft white pillows was at the center with a lamp on the left side and a table on the other. A piano keyboard sat in the far left corner. I knelt in front of the piano and let my finger graze the keys. "I'll not see you for a little while, buddy." Yes, I just talked to a piano keyboard. Call me crazy. Oh, wait, Ruby already did.

I grabbed my heavy suitcase and pulled it towards the elevator. When it opened, I saw Ruby inside. "Ruby! Are you excited to finally meet the one and only Victoria Jords?" I asked. Ruby nodded, "Yeah, I am. I only heard stories about her, so about to meet her in person is exhilarating."

We got off on the first floor and towards the double doors of the entrance. Its shiny metal doors had designs of all kinds of gems - There were Rubies, Emeralds, Diamonds, Obsidians, Quartz, Amethysts, Garnets, Moonstones, Pearls, and many more.

I saw Diamond waiting for us inside a sleek, black car. "Put your suitcases inside the trunk. Do you have everything you need?" Diamond rolled the window down and asked. We put our belongings inside the back of the car before thinking. "Well, I think I have everything." Ruby shrugged.

"Wait, I think I need to go fetch something else. I'll be right back." I rushed inside the building once more and pushed the 10th-floor button of the elevator. "Hey, Zack."


It was already 12:35 in the afternoon. I stared out the window at the backseat, watching as houses and trees passed by. I was getting bored again. "Hey, Dia. Are we there yet?" I asked, bored out of my mind. Diamond shook her head and replied while focusing on the road. "No, but we're almost there."

Another minute went by when the car suddenly slowed down. "Are we he-" I couldn't finish my sentence as I saw a large, black gate in front of us. But that wasn't what amazed me. It was the white mansion behind that gate. It seemed like a three-story house with colorful flowers surrounding it. 

The gates creaked as they opened. Diamond drove through and parked near a water fountain. "We're here."

I immediately got out of the car and admired the view. "The Jords' mansion... It's beautiful."

I unconsciously started walking, my gaze still on the mansion. A butterfly flew past me. That's when I stopped to look at the pretty flowers surrounding the Jords' mansion. There were roses of different colors, tulips, sunflowers, and many more.

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