5. A Rural Area *Twins' POV*

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note: I'll make a pov for the twins rarely only.


"Guys! Let's go out." I gleefully suggested to the bodyguards. They raised an eyebrow at my suggestion though. "What for?" Ruby asked.

"It's the weekend and we already did all our homework. And I thought that as a celebration for that, we can go out or something."

"You celebrate for finishing your homework?"

"Hey! Give me some credit here, I survived doing math." I said tiredly.

"And I survived doing literature." Alina rolled her eyes when I stuck my tongue out at her. Our bodyguards nodded, saying they could go out with us. "Great, we'll go-" I was cut off when my phone started to ring, I looked at the caller and smiled. "Hey, Chris!"

"Sheila, you doing anything right now?" Chris' voice rang throughout the room because I put him on speaker. "Well, we're about to go out."

"Oh? Where?"

"Anywhere really, just out of the mansion." I shrugged even though he couldn't see me. It was my turn to ask a question. "What about you? Any reason you called?"

"I'm out with Dylan right now." Alina perked up hearing Dylan's name. "You are?"

"Yep!" A different voice answered this time, but we all knew it was Dylan. "Hi, Alina!" He greeted my sister who giggled shyly. "Hey, Dylan."

"Anyways," Chris was back on the phone again. "We thought that we could hang out with you guys If it's okay. We also have nothing to do."

"Sure! It's been a while since we've hung out with you guys. Where do you wanna go?"

"Maybe somewhere out of the city? It's nice to go out to rural areas once in a while."

"I thought rich people hated going there?" Emerald muttered which received an elbow to the stomach from Ruby.

"Maybe, but not us," Chris said proudly. "If anything, we love to appreciate nature in those areas. It's so refreshing to just be away from the polished, white walls of the mansion and into the wild."

"Yeah, that explains why you love going camping." Dylan chuckled in the background.

"Shut it, but yeah it's true. So, you girls up for it?" Alina and I shouted a yes in reply.

"Nice, I'll just inform my driver-"

"There's no need." Diamond intervened, jiggling her car keys right next to the phone. "I can drive you guys there."

"Really? Thanks! Can we meet up at Laora mall though? I need to buy a few things before we go." Diamond nodded but realized it was a call. "Yeah, sure."

"Great! We'll see you guys in ten." Then, he hung up. Before he did though, I swore I heard Dylan try to say goodbye.

"Guess, I need to change into something more appropriate," I said and went to my shared closet with Alina. I pulled out a yellow shirt that had diagonal black stripes on it. Then, I also pulled out black jeans and ended the look with white shoes. "Yep, just simple." I smiled and went to the bathroom to change. Alina pulled out the same style but the t-shirt is an orange color.

We all walked towards Diamond's car. "Hey, I wanna be on the front seat today." Ruby pulled Emerald before she could sit in the passenger seat. Emerald looked at her for a long time before smiling. "Not a chance." She then proceeded to stomp on Ruby's foot.

This made Ruby hop around in pain, cursing at Emerald who rolled the windows down, already inside the passenger seat. "You little-"

Diamond honked the car horn. "You can sit in the front seat next time Ruby."

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