10. More About You

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After that little fiasco yesterday, we decided to just stay in. The twins' didn't have any objections - let me rephrase that, they didn't talk to us at all. When we suggested staying indoors, they merely gave us a quick nod and left. When we invited them to eat with us, they said they were full and went up to their room. We even ate some of their chocolates and strawberries. We got a reaction from them, it was a glare.

When we asked them directly why they were doing that, they looked at each other and shook their heads.

"I don't know anymore," Diamond sighed. "They just won't acknowledge us."

"I wonder why they would do that?" I murmured. "Could it be because of yesterday?"

Well? What else would be the reason?" Emerald put her hands up and fell on the bed. We were currently in our bedroom trying to think of something that would make the twins talk to us again. So far, we had nothing.

"Should we leave them alone...? I mean just until they recollect their thoughts." I said to them. They both sighed defeatedly, having no choice but to agree with me.

"Ugh, I need to go out and grab an iced coffee or something." Diamond said as she stood up. "What? But didn't we tell the twins we'll stay inside?" Diamond huffed at me and spoke, "I doubt they'll notice us leaving." We yelled for Diamond to wait up as she opened the door.

She took her car keys out and the black car beeped.


"I left them a message," I informed the other two. We were taking a drive around the city after getting coffee, boba, and hot chocolate. Diamond sipped her beverage before muttering, "I hope they'll read the message that came from one of us."

"You know what guys...?" Emerald smiled. "It's been a while since we've seen the Gemstone's building." It actually has been a while.

We looked at Diamond who got the message and took a route toward our beloved building. 20 minutes later, we arrived. Seeing the same tall, gray building with a rose gold gate made me realize how much I missed them. When our employees saw a familiar black car parked in front of them, They all hollered in excitement as they crowded us. The three of us got a 'we missed you' vibe from them.

"What brings you back, boss?" One of them asked.

"We had free time. Also, we missed this place." Emerald shrugged before smiling genuinely. "Not just this place, but also the people." All of them shyly blushed and an employee said, "When did you get so smooth, boss?" All of us laughed at that.

We entered the building, the place was still the same as before except...

"When did we have a leisure room?" Emerald asked confused and excited. "About that..." Zack suddenly came up from behind us. We all shouted in surprise and hugged him, making the man stumble a bit. "Woah! Easy there." Zack chuckled. "I missed you too."

"So care to explain this?" Diamond diverted our attention back to the leisure room. It was a room with televisions, games, and books on a bookshelf at the far right corner, a fridge next to it, and the like behind a glass sliding door.

"You see, a large number of employees had been recruited lately. Either they came back tired, beaten up, or sometimes both. So all the engineers, including myself, built this room for them to relax and just enjoy being themselves." Zack said.

"Good timing then, we need some of that." I exhaled and pulled the sliding door open. Some of the employees greeted us. We greeted them back with a smile. I sat on a yellow couch in front of a T.V., Emerald went to play a game and Diamond searched for a good book.

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