13. The Explanation

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The night ended with Sheila thinking about letting Dylan explain himself. Alina stayed home again due to a stomach ache.

"I brought this upon myself, didn't I?" She winced, clutching her stomach.

"You did."

And so, it was once again the four of us in the car. I was tapping my finger on the steering wheel on beat with the song blasting from the radio. Emerald was looking out the window, pouting at the Valentine's Day banners that still decorated the street. Ruby was on the phone with a member and Sheila was curious about the topic they were talking about.

After the phone call, Sheila asked. "You have people stationed in Japan?"

"Yeah, we have a branch of the agency there."

"How many do you have?"

"Well, there's one at Dubai, Philippines, Germany, Spain..." The list went on.

"How do you have so many? Hasn't it only been around six years since you started your business?" Sheila wondered.

Ruby and Emerald met my eyes. They gave me a knowing look.

"We didn't exactly establish the branches alone." Ruby mumbled. Unfortunately, Sheila heard.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, look! I see the school!" Emerald beamed. I stepped on the gas, arriving at the school gates in a span of minutes.

I looked for a parking spot and found an empty one. Ruby opened the door for Sheila, who smiled at her in gratitude.

"Another day of school without Alina." The girl sighed and faced the school with determination. "Time to end that and speak to Dylan."

We walked to the entrance. Spotting Chris getting his books from his locker, Sheila smiled mischievously as she sneaked up on him.

Then, she put her hands over his eyes and laughed, "Guess who?"

Chris smiled and touched the hands that covered his eyes. "Hmm, I wonder who? I don't know anyone who could have such soft and warm hands."

Sheila huffed. "Are you sure you don't know anyone? Not one person?"

"Well, there's this girl I know... She's a beautiful, smart, kind, and lovable person."

The girl he was so obviously describing blushed. "A-And who may that person be?"

Chris' smile got wider. He tenderly pulled Sheila's hands off his eyes and slowly looked at her, the smile never leaving his face. "That person is... What was your name again?"

Sheila slapped his shoulder and frowned in a poor attempt to hide the redness on her cheeks. "How could you say that about me and not know my name?"

Chris laughed as he pulled her into a hug. "I'm just joking. I could never forget you, Sheila."

The words that came out of his mouth froze me on my feet.

"I could never forget you," He tucked a strand of my hair behind my ears. "You will always be on my mind."

I felt a pang in my chest. I balled my hands into fists and quickly said, "I need to go to the restroom."

Not waiting for a reply, I walked away from the scene. Just like how he walked away and disappeared from my life that day.

Once I entered a cubicle, I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself down.

Why did I think of that? Why did I think of him?

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