Volume 1 Chapter 1: Shiketsu Highschool here we come!

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The five friends were all walking towards the school of their dreams to take the entrance exam.

Keira~ "I can't wait!" She said jumping up and down as she got closer to the school entrance with her friends.

Tanaka~ He just nodded his head silently saying nothing.

Rykuu~ "I can't wait to fight strong opponents!" He said growing bones out of his finger tips. And smirking confidently but it looked a little bit like a psychopathic smile.

Markos~"Rykuu you look like you want to kill someone, tone it down man. But yeah I can't wait to get inside. I'm burning up."

Rykuu~ "Oh really? Sorry about that." He said that laughing nervously. "I just so pumped for a challenge!" He shouted smiling with excitement.

Zane~"Markos of course you are thinking about air-conditioning, instead the potential free stuff we can get." He said smirking devilishly.

Keira~ "Guys seriously? Will you please behave today. Rykuu please don't kill anyone, Zane no stealing anything, and Markos no complaining. Tanaka you just do you and keep an eye on them for me." She said in a serious tone of voice while sighing deeply.

Rykuu~"Fine I'll try to go easy on them." He said, disappointed.

Markos~"Aw okay." He said sighing deeply.

Zane~ "You got it." He said crossing his fingers lying through his teeth.

Keira~"No lying, you forget that we all grew up together." She said seriously and frowning in his direction.

Zane~"Ugh...fine. I wasn't going to steal anything anyways." He said, scoffing afterwards.

Keira~"Suuure, You weren't."

They reach the school's entrance and walk towards the gym as the teachers and hero's said to go near the entrance way. The gym was filled with people organized in groups of 4-5 people. A pro hero pulled down a microphone and said,"Welcome to the entrance exam, as you can see we have organized you Into groups of 4-5 people. The first test is a team battle royale. The remaining people/teams in 5mins will be moving onto the next and final test. We will anaylyze everything and decided who will get into our school in a few weeks. Okay begin!"

Keira~ "I wasn't expecting this..." She said being overwhelmed by all the movement around her. She uses the vibration to know who's a enemy and friend but her senses can be overwhelmed.

Markos~"Don't worry I'm here for you." He said punching a guy that was about to hurt her. On her front right side.

Tanaka~ He just patted her head gently and focused on defending her front left side. He changed his skin to metal including his scorpio tail.

Rykuu~ "They can try to hurt you but won't let them get close!" He said smiling like a crazy person. He protected her back right side with deadly bone claws.

Zane~ "We got this no problem." He said confidently while cracking his knuckles. And protecting her back left side.

Keira~ As the numbers dwindled down of people on the stage she started to calm down from being overwhelmed. She could now see clearly with her feet and see with her sense of smell again. "A huge group of people are coming, change to formation 3: Arrow Point."

(A/N) ~ Formation 3: Arrow Point (Rykuu in front as the tank, Tanaka on the left of the leader as the left attacker. Zane on the right of the leader as the right attacker. Markos on the left side on the end as the sensor for the sense of blood nearby. Keria on the right side on the end as the locator for nearby movement and sounds up ahead or behind them.) 

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