Volume 1 Chapter 8: The Metal Beasts of Class 1-B!

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Captain Puppeteer the teacher of class 1-B is a formidable opponent that's for sure. And the two students next up on the line up are as well.

R2- Lucas Nikolas & Tanaka Vs Captain

Captain Puppeteer's Inner thoughts~ "A kid with the ability to make their tail and body metal and a kid born with a body made out of cybernetics and metal. What a interesting pair up, I wonder how this will turn out?"

Tanaka looked over at Lucas and grabbed his his mask with his sharp nails. He ripped it off his face only to show his true smile of excitement. Lucas's eyes widened in suprise that they have similar appearences. He took off his mask and smiled as well. They both showed the whole class and the teacher their teeth and creepy smiles. "Hey Captain I have a question for you." Lucas said, smirking devilishly. "What is it, Mr. Nikolas?" Lucas stood there Creation two weapons made out of titanium. "Do we go plus ultra against you?" He created two staffs with both sides having a huge blade. He twirled them like it was a piece of cake. He smirked slightly and got ready to throw his weapons.

Tanaka's tail twitched behind him and he clenched his sharp teeth as he grew another scorpion tail. His chest, arms and legs started to be consumed by his pitch black insect armor. He breathed out slowly getting ready to fight against his teacher.

Their teacher said in confidence,"I dare you to go plus ultra." He crossed his arms and stood there and waited for them to attack.

Tanaka dashed towards his teacher with a deadly look in his eyes. He spun around and used his tails to cut his arms up. His venom entered his blood stream from all over his body. Paralyzing venom so he won't kill his teacher. But suddenly his tails got grabbed by Captain Puppeteer. He gripped onto them tightly. His tail's armor started to crack and shatter. His flesh and bones in his tail started to get crushed by his strong rough hands. Tanaka looked over at his friends in the sidelines and used his qurik to sever himself from his tails. He started to bleed heavy from his back he started to slowly grow his tails again. "Your turn Lucas..." Tanaka said with his deep, monotone, spine chilling voice.

"You got it Tanaka...rest up, I got this!" Lucas said while gripping onto is double sided spears. He planted his right foot into the ground and lined up the throw. The threw the first spear at the teacher at half speed. He caught the first one and shattered it into tiny pieces. "So you are just like me.... strength qurik? Or is it something more?" He lined up the second throw and threw it at max speed. His throwing of the spear broke the sound barrier. Captain barely managed to catch it with both his hands, he got pushed backwards by the speed and force of the impact of him catching mid air. "You're one clever kid...Yes I have another quirk but it's more of a mutation. And it was secret but I guess now you all should know my true strength.

~~ A/N ~~
Homeroom Teacher 1-B (Secret Qurik)
Body Enhancement~(Mutation) His strength, thickness of skin and muscles, how much he can take attacks wise is all increased greatly. And his stamina is Immense too. He has shock absorbtion and his skin and bones are they tougher than any normal human.

Captain stood there smirking confidently with barely any blood or any deep wounds on him,  just only a few small cuts. "Well if we are sharing secrets then...I guess I should let you all know I'm not fully human technically." He took off his shirt and his body was stitched up and deep scars were to be be seen. His metal arms reached to his shoulders and parts of his back. "I'm made of more cybernetics than human flesh. I have a metallic heart that is pumped with black blood. I was born this way, a mutated freak with a metallic body. My teeth are made out of metal instead of bones just like my skeleton structure. My mom disowned me and left me with my father. But he was killed in action during a hero mission so I moved here with a transfer student program, In order to prove that no matter what you look like or what quirk you have you can be a hero."

Lucas created a similar weapon like what he gave to Deku but this time it's made out of condensed black diamonds. It has a grooved black leather gripped hilt. He held it up to his face and grinned proudly of his craftsmenship.

He inhaled deeply and breathed out slowly. He took a step forward and the ground beneath his right foot crumbled. His left foot was lighter in weight. He smirked devilishly and pushed off the ground with his right foot sending him flying towards his teacher. He soar through the sky and brought his sword down at full capacity of his strength and speed. It landed on his teachers right arm but just as everyone blinked including the teacher Lucas's sword cut through his tough skin, flesh and bones. A huge gush of sharp air sliced up the gym and the teacher causing his whole body to spray a fountain of blood. His right arm fell the ground and blood sprayed out upon Lucas's and the Captain's own face. Screams of unexpected pain came out of the Captain's mouth. He caught himself from falling down and got himself together. Medical attention ran towards the teacher and he was treated there and then. He smiled fully proud of his students he fought against so far. "Good job... you're dismissed early."

Lucas dropped his sword and ran towards Tanaka, he was healed by the medical team. Lucas held out his hand and smiled genuinely at his classmate. "Hey Tanaka, your qurik is really cool, if you don't mind me saying." Tanaka looked up and smiled genuinely for the first time in front of everyone. He grabbed his hand and was helped up to his feet. "Your just as cool and maybe even more cool than mine. If you don't mind me saying." He said, chuckling happily. "Can I be your friend Tanaka?" Lucas said a bit embarrassed. "Why not." Tanaka replied with a serious look in his eyes. They both walked past everyone and the classmates parted like the red sea when they both got closer. The wild hybrid group joined them and walked out of the school with smiles on their faces. They retrieved Deku from the nurses office before heading home. They wear pumped for tomorrow and more 2 v 1 battles.

To be continued...

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