Volume 1 Chapter 7: New Friends & Quirks!?

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Previously: Then towards the end of class,"Izuku Midoriya, Keira Ryoko and Hitoshi Shinso. You're the last ones left to introduce yourselves." They all stood up and headed towards the front of the class.

Keira Ryoko~ "Hey....I'm Keira Ryoko and I'm blind, if you have a problem with that then tell me. I'll beat some sense into you and show you that I'm just as strong as those who aren't blind! I have two mutation quriks mixed into one. Cheetah & Bunny. I want to show the world that no matter if you are handicapped that you still can become a pro hero or follow your dreams!" She shouted with huge smile across her face and her right hand in the shape of a tight fist.

Hitoshi Shinso~ He stood there in front of the class and rubbed the back of his neck with his right hand. "Hey there I'm Hitoshi Shinso...I didn't get into U.A. because my qurik is considered 'evil.' So I decided to try this school instead. I have a brainwashing qurik and I want to be a hero like the underground pro hero named,"Eraserhead." No fame, no money, just helping those in need." He stood there expecting to be laughed at but he was met with more smiles than hateful looks.

Deku~ He was shaking bit not as much as he would be, before his mother died. He smiled slightly at those in front of him. "Hi...I'm.. Izuku Midoriya b-but you c-can call m-me Deku. I was...born quirkless but recently I discovered my quirk under a lot of pressure. I wanted to be a pro hero like All Might but after him saying I couldn't be a hero without a quirk.... I want to be my own hero. Oh my qurik is called,"Underdog/Inner Rage." He stood there smiling nervously while shaking a bit.

The suddenly the bell rings and everyone starts to leave the classroom. Deku just smiled with his eyes closed as everyone passed him. But then someone said his name with a deep, tired voice.

Deku opened up his eyes only to see a purple haired kid with deep bags under his eyes as if he hasn't slept in years. "Um well I've heard your name before from my dad. Are you Hisashi Shigaraki's son?" Deku's eyes widened in shock and suprise. "Actually yeah. How do our parents know each other?" Deku said this and Shinso looked a bit shocked. "Oh well they went to U.A. high school back in the day. Ar least that's what he told me. He said rubbing the back of his neck again. "Really? I don't know that much about my dad. He just got into the country to take care of me since... since my..." He started to zone out and see flashes of his mother's dead body. "Hey Deku is this guy bothering you?" Rkyuu said, getting ready to square up with the purple haired kid. Deku woke up from his deep thoughts as soon as Tanaka said his name. "Izuku?" He smiled and laughed nervously. "No..no.. he's just talking to me." Rykuu glared at him and so did Tanaka. "Umm..if this is about my quirk.." Shinso said, backing away slowly and slowly getting more uncomfortable the more they stared at him. "Guy's chill out, he's all good. His vibration is calming." Kiera Said smiling a in shinso's direction. Rykuu instantly backed off but kept his eyes on him. Tanaka looked away and then patted Deku's head. Deku looked up and smiled genuinely at Tanaka. "Thanks guys but I'm all good. He's a family friend apparently. Hey Shinso, do you want to walk home with us?" Deku said smiling happily. Shinso's eyes widened in shock and suprise. "Uhh...sure." He said, blankly.

A few hours later~

Deku~ "I'll see you guys tomorrow! Take care!"

Rykuu~ He waved goodbye as he and the others split off from Deku and the purple haired kid. "See ya Deku! If this guy does anything don't hesitate to call me!" He glared at the tired looking guy standing next to Deku his best friend.

Deku~"Okay, but I doubt he will try anything!" He smiled innocently but somehow that gave Shinso a slight chill up his spine.

Shinso~"Are you sure it's alright for me to come over?"

Deku~ "Yeah of course, my dad's at work so he won't be home for a while." He said unlocking his house front door and walking inside.

Shinso~"So what does your dad do for work?" He asked already knowing the answer.

(Discontinued For Now) Rejected Mutations Volume 1-2 (OC'S X MHA)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें