Volume 1 Chapter 12: "Don't Worry, I Am Here!"

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Previously: Back to the hospital, Deku & Lucas's Overview~

Lucas catches Deku and his upgrades on his multi arms started to melt off and pour into the ground in front of him. Deku got in a fighting stance, Lucas handed him a black diamond kendo sword. Then suddenly the second creature that attacked Deku dropped down to help out the other Nomu.

Lucas~"I got the one with the weird beak."

Deku~ "I got the one with the weird lizard tail."

Back to Ashido & Yashujiro protecting their teacher against Zero Gravity~

Ashido used his cosmic cloud to block the zero-gravity rubble attacks. He melted them as soon as they hit his cloud with his acid. Yashujiro was using his spider wires to try and capture her mid-attack.

Zero gravity~"It seems I can't kill you alone. Nomu, kill them! Just before they got killed by a Nomu someone jumped in the way and took the punch....."Don't worry, I Am Here!" It was All Might.

Back Deku & Lucas~ 

Deku dashed towards the Nomu swinging his sword diagonally. It's thick scaley lizard tail blocked his attack. It went to punch him but Deku dashed backward just barely managing to dodge its heavy blow. "Tch... damnit." He scoffed irritated with this situation. He gripped onto his sword hilt as his life depended on it. It swung its tail in his direction he tried to block the scaley tail but it was too strong. It hit the sword out of his hands and sent him flying into a parked car. Get coughed out blood and spit, blood was running down his face from his head. "I can't win against a monster like this." He said shaking in fear as it got closer to him to finish the job. The creature went to kill Deku with one last swing of its lizard tail. Just before Deku got killed someone jumped in front of him and blocked the tail with their leg.

~~~A/N~~~ He is a slim, yet muscular, long-legged man with Dark blue hair with light blue highlights, which he keeps brushed over one side of his face. His left side of his face. He has dark blue eyes. He wears a black double-breasted suit with golden buttons and a white dress shirt together with a Black tie. Pack of cigarettes. He wears dress shoes sometimes. But he mostly wears black, knee-high combat boots with Dark blue soles and Golden eyelets.  These shoes are extremely durable and were designed to increase the power of his attacks, though he can attack sufficiently without them.

He had his right hand in his pocket and the left hand he had a cigarette in-between his fingers. He blew out a puff of smoke into the creature's face. "Man what an ugly mug you have." He put the cigarette back in his mouth and kicked the tail out of his way. He made his legs set on fire and then spun around and jumped in the air and kicked the bird in the chest causing it to go flying back onto its back. The man turned around and looked at the kid as he smoked his cigarette not worried in the slightest. "Hey kid...don't worry. I'll be taking over this fight for you. Oh, and your friends are safe. I brought back up with me." Deku sat there and started to cry of relief that he and his friends are saved.

A few minutes before~

Lucas ran away to get some distance from Deku and his fight. The Nomu with a weird beak and blade wings followed him by flying. It stopped mid-air and shot blades from its wings to hurt Lucas. He created a metal riot shield made out of titanium steel. The blades bounced off the shield and then suddenly everything went silent. Lucas went to look and then a blade went right through his right eye. He screamed out in extreme pain as black blood streamed down his face from his right cybernetic eye. He reached up to grab the blade in his eye. He ripped it out and screamed out in agony. He clenched his fist and teeth to try and bare the pain. He created a special pistol with explosive rounds. He backed up slowly and shot the creature in the body to give him some time until help arrives. Then suddenly after he emptied an entire clip into the creature a familiar face flew past the creature with sharp red feathers in hand. The creature's head and body parts got severed from the main body and blood sprayed everywhere. It was Hawks the #3 hero. "Hey there, nice job on holding out. Your friends are safe, so don't worry..." He looked at the kid even closer and saw that his right eye was bleeding pretty heavily. "What happened to your eye?" He panicked because Lucas's eye wasn't there anymore. Lucas smiled weakly and then held his hand over his right eye and created a new cybernetic eye with his nano bites and his modification qurik. "No worries, I'm mostly cybernetic. I was born this way, but it still hurts. Every cybernetic body part I have is part of me as a normal human body. I feel pain like everyone else." He said that struggling to stand up straight. He started to fall forward, Hawk caught him and put his arm around his neck. "Damn your heavy....oops sorry for.." Lucas just laughed, "Yeah I am, don't worry, I don't take offense." They both walked slowly toward the hospital.

Back to Baz & Deku~

It's been a few minutes since Baz saved Deku from almost dying. He is breathing heavily and standing on the creature's chest. "Damn...what a pain. You ripped my new suit." He charged up his kick and made its head explode upon impact. He got out a new cigarette and inhaled and exhaled slowly. "Tch...now I need to get a new suit and shoes. Just look at them. Ugh." He turned around and walked towards Deku. "Hey, kid...nice fighting but you know you broke the law." He said, sternly. Deku went from smiling to frowning. "If I didn't she would have died!" "Shhhh... I didn't say that I don't disagree with your actions. But you did break the law." He picked up the kid from his shirt. "Don't worry, it's not your fault, you defended yourself." He carried him by the t-shirt all the way to the hospital entrance.

He threw the kid onto a medical bed. And then got out another cigarette. Hawks held out his fist. Baz fist-bumped Hawks with a small smirk across his face. With a cigarette in the corner of his mouth. "What happened to you?" Hawks said pointing out that Baz's suit is a mess. "The creature was stronger than I expected but I eventually got the job done." He blew out a puff of smoke. "What about you, you're covered in blood." He said, chuckling slightly. "Haha, very funny Baz. Like you, the creature I was handling was more muscular than I thought. Luckily the kid who was fighting it did most of the work, so I just sliced  off its body parts." Hawks smirked slightly. "Hey, All Might." All Might waved at them both.  "Hawks wanna go get a drink after this?" Baz said with hands in his pockets. "Sure thing friend. I know just the place." Hawks winks at Baz.

Then suddenly a kid with a wire qurik walked out with a prisoner wrapped up with it. All might escorted her to a prison cell. Baz and Hawks headed towards the outskirts of japan to go to a certain bar.

All Might dropped Uraraka Ochaco to police station cell with qurik neutralizing handcuffs on her. He left before his form changed. Shimada was sitting next to Naomasa Tsukauchi a trusted detective. With Mr. Aizawa in the other room listening and watching from the other side of the glass.

Baz & Hawks walk into the shady bar with their civilian clothes on. Baz lit another cigarette and said, "I'd like a scotch with a hint of AFO." They all went silent and went to attack him but then they heard, "Stand down." AFO walked out of the shadows and chuckled softly. "Why's a pirate bounty hunter doing here in japan?" Baz nodded at Hawks and he went to the back to chat with the league of villains. "Keeping up appearances of course. And saving your son..." He smirked devilishly. "Very observant of you, Baz Ash." AFO said, bluntly.
"What can I say, I did work for you for a year." Baz headed towards the door and threw a letter behind him. "I quit working with you. No hard feelings but it's gotten boring. See ya old man." He left the bar with his hands in his pockets and a cigarette in his mouth. "I wonder how my little brother is doing." He said out loud while walking down the empty street.

Back to Shimada & Naomasa Tsukauchi interrogating Zero Gravity~

Shimada~ "Why did you try to kill the pro Hero Ghost?"

Zero Gravity ~ She said, nothing.

Shimada~"Who do you work for?"

Zero Gravity~She stayed silent.

Naomasa Tsukauchi~"If you don't cooperate then we have no choice but to send you to prison."

Zero Gravity~ She grinned sadistically. "Mr. Aizawa, I know you are watching. I'm glad you almost died. Too bad for that other pro hero....how pathetic of her."

They all went into shock over how evil her facial expression changed from an innocent look.

Zero Gravity~ "Going to prison is nothing compared to growing up with the symbol of evil."

Shimada~ He activated his Mind Reading Quirk and his eyes changed to golden yellow.

Back to Baz~ He was at Japan seaport waving at a group of people in the distance. "Little brother! Tiny Captain! Greatest Swordsman! Pretty Navigator! Over here! Welcome to Japan!"

To be continued..... See you next Volume! A One-Piece crossover next Volume!

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