Volume 2 Chapter 2: Zarla Is Very Overpowered...

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Previously: A few minutes later of walking~ They arrive at the port and she had a welcoming party of drunken weirdos shouting out her name with booze in their hands. She smiled big and her eyes widened. She dashed towards them at full speed and jumped into the air. She fell down towards her father Zoro, uncle Sanji and Uncle Luffy. They all laughed as they caught her and hugged her tightly. "Welcome Back Zarla!" They all screamed out happily. While Baz is walking towards the plank of wood that leads to the deck. And walking across like a normal person. "You look pretty like usual Zarla." Sanji said, with his eye's shaped as hearts. She smiled at him and blushed a little. "Thanks Uncle Sanji." Zoro pulled her away from the cook and glared at him. "Stay away from my daughter you creep! Filthy Cook!" Sanji headbutted Zoro and they both growled deeply as they looked into each other's eyes. "How dare you say that to me, Moss head!" Luffy walked past them and booped Zarla on the nose. "Hey, did you fight anyone strong today?" He said, smiling goofy like usual. She looked down at the ground all disappointed. Luffy saw this and said,"Why are looking at the ground for?" Sanji & Zoro snapped back reality when they heard that she was upset. They rushed over and act very comforting and protective. "Who caused this?" (Sanji) "Do we need to teach them a lesson?" (Zoro) "Do you need a hug?" (Sanji) "No...hug me instead!" (Zoro) "No, hug me!" (Sanji) She sighed softly and then she saw Nami in the corner of her eye. And she pushed past her father and Uncle Sanji and ran to hug Nami instead. Sanji and Zoro deadpanned in disappointment and melted to the ground. "Auntie Nami!" Nami hugged her back and rubbed her back slowly and smiled genuinely at the kid clinging to her. "What's wrong, why don't you tell us what happened at school?" She said, smiled widely while patting her head. Zarla pulled away from Nami and went to sit down against the sail post. They all either sat down too or kept standing to hear her out.

A few minutes later~ "I can't believe a kid said that to you sweetheart." (Sanji) "Point him out and I'll kill him!" (Zoro) "I'll beat him up!" (Luffy) What happened next?" (Nami) "I fought against a few classmates...and to be honest they have guts but no skill or strength to back it up. When I even tried a little bit they almost died." She sighed softly,"It's just disappointing." Baz blew out a puff of smoke and wait for a reaction to her words. "But that's why I've decided to host a training summer trip on our ship to the grand line. So a few can grow stronger and give them a chance to change their minds about becoming heroes and be pirates instead." Everyone went to worried and angry to shocked and speechless. "WHAT!!??" (Everyone except for Zarla & Baz) Then they all started to tell her that her idea is nonsense and crazy. She was starting to feel worse but Baz stepped into the fray. "Chill out guys. I believe that she is onto something very important." He flicked his cigarette into the sea. "Bro there's no way that this is smart!" Sanji said, irritated. "This is Luffy kind of stupid." Usopp said, shaking his head. "As the older broth Sanji, trust me when I say she's not making a mistake. How about this...there's a fighting festival for the school in a few weeks, you observe her classmates and then decide on if it's stupid or not." Baz got out another cigarette and blew out a dark cloud smoke. They all nodded in silence. Zarla got up in silence and headed towards her room and changed clothes.

2.)(Civilian)(Light) Solid Black Eye-Patch with golden skull that covers their right eye. Pearl white skinny jeans tucked into their Black (Zoro Shoes), Black leather belt with her two swords being held by the right side. Black sports bra, with a tight black t-shirt that shows cleavage. Pear White tailcoat with high collar and Golden buttons & zipper. With a Black inside laced with a golden lining. That's covering up her swords and buttoned up at the top or zipped up when in a public setting to keep attention off of themselves as much as possible. ~~~

She came out of her room with a serious and real irritated look in her eyes. Everyone got a chill up their spine. Even the dead guy of the crew, his whole body rattled by her physical presence. She walked towards the ramp to leave the ship. Sanji & Zoro tried to stop her by putting their hands on either side of her shoulders. She turned her head and glared at them both and said,"Get off me." Her words and her look in her left eye alone made their heart's skip a beat, make them let go and physically take a step back. She turned her head back around and left the ship without
speaking another word.

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