Volume 1 Chapter 2: Broken Mind and Unbreakable Spirit!

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First Round~ Rykuu Kan vs Izuku Midoriya (Deku)

They both are standing across from each other and in their fighting positions. Well Deku is and Rykuu is drinking his milk and acting like he has all the time in the world.

Rykuu~ He crushed the milk carton and threw it over his shoulder and then looked over at Deku with a serious look in his eyes. "I have a question for you. Why did you say it was alright that I talked to you like shit? Why have you given up on yourself? I guess that's two questions."

Deku~ He started to shake as his opponent asked two very serious questions. He started to see flashes of his childhood friend beating him up. And making him bloody so much that he stopped breathing. He begged him to stop but it was no use. Explosions went off into his chest and he coughed up blood. "Why Kacchan...why me?" He said barely conscious. "Because you are meaningless to me, you should just go kill yourself. Then maybe you will have a qurik. Don't even bother to try and be a hero or I'll kill you myself." Those words filled his head and he started to mutter to himself saying,"Shut up..."

Rykuu~ "What was that?" He said irritated.

Deku~"I SAID SHUT UP!!!" His green eyes turned blood red. And his presence went to scared to enraged.

Rykuu~ "Whoa are you alright?" He said worried about the kid in distress in front of him.

Deku started to cry blood and with hair went to green and black & red. He was truly hurting mentally.

Deku~ "I WILL BECOME A HERO! I have to...or he will kill me...I don't want to DIE!" He screamed out in agony as his qurik took over his body. His started to bleed from all over.

Rykuu~"Yo I'm sorry if I upset you dude...I was expecting you to punch me but not to freak out..."

Deku~"Punch you? I'd love to kill you, Kacchan!" He looked like a rapid dog. He was foaming at the mouth with blood and spit. "Die..die...die..." He started muttering again.

He dashed towards Rykuu and punched him the chest. He coughed up blood while sliding backwards. His bone armor around his chest crumbled to tiny pieces and fell to the ground.

Rykuu~"For a small guy your pretty strong." He wiped his mouth and spit out the blood that was in between his teeth. "But I have no clue who this Kacchan is...but it seems like..."

Deku's t-shirt started to rip apart from his muscles getting bigger. But he coughed up more blood. But that's not all that was revealed...his abused and scarred up body was revealed to the whole gym.

Rkyuu~ "Did this Kacchan do that to you?" He said, horrified of the sight he was looking at.

Deku continued to cry more blood,"I don't want to die...I don't want him to win anymore!"

Rykuu~"I refuse to hurt someone who needs help. I caused you to break and I will bring you back. I'm so sorry." He said this with a kind and gentle tone of voice." He released his dragons wings and put his arms behind his back. "De... Izuku Midoriya please do come at me." He said that smiling kindly.

Deku dashed towards Rykuu and tried to punch him but he grabbed his wrist and immobilized him instead of attacking him. He wrapped his bones around him like a type of capture technique. Deku fell to his knees crying hysterically going back to his senses. "I'm so sorry...What's wrong with me...I thought I was quirkless. I'm so sorry... please don't hurt me..." He started to beg for forgiveness and mercy. "Don't worry, I changed my mind about you. You are no threat to me or my friends. You're a pretty good guy and a strong opponent. Let's go to the nurse." He said, genuinely with a small smile across his face. "Even after I hurt you?" Deku said, confused back in his original form. "Yes even after you hurt me, I mean it was part of the entrance exam. Don't worry I thought it was good fun." He said escorting Deku to the nurses office.

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