Volume 1 Chapter 9: "I dare you to go, PLUS ULTRA!"

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Previously: Lucas dropped his sword and ran towards Tanaka, he was healed by the medical team. Lucas held out his hand and smiled genuinely at his classmate. "Hey Tanaka, your qurik is really cool, if you don't mind me saying." Tanaka looked up and smiled genuinely for the first time in front of everyone. He grabbed his hand and was helped up to his feet. "Your just as cool and maybe even more cool than mine. If you don't mind me saying." He said, chuckling happily. "Can I be your friend Tanaka?" Lucas said a bit embarrassed. "Why not." Tanaka replied with a serious look in his eyes. They both walked past everyone and the classmates parted like the red sea when they both got closer. The wild hybrid group joined them and walked out of the school with smiles on their faces. They retrieved Deku from the nurses office before heading home. They wear pumped for tomorrow and more 2 v 1 battles.

The next morning~

*Lucas's POV~ I hear my high pitched alarm going off on my bedside table. I get up and get ready for school. I tune up my right leg cybernetics by turning off the human camouflage that makes the metal look like my dark purple skin. I tighten up my leg joints. And tighten up my arm joints as well just in case. I head to the kitchen and make a peanut butter sandwich for to-go. I walk past the only picture of my late father and me. I walk out my one story house and head towards school. As I get closer to the school in the distance, I see a few of my classmates that I met yesterday up ahead of me. I raise my hand and shout out,"Tanaka! Izuku! Hey Guys!" They all look behind them and Tanaka waves back but says nothing. I wonder what's up with him? Deku smiled brightly like a sun to my moon. The others greeted me in their own ways. I wasn't wearing my mask today. So I smiled happily at their direction. *

Several hours later~ Everyone stood the gym waiting for their teacher but he didn't come. Just like in homeroom another teacher subbed for him. A person walked out of the shadows with no noise coming from their footsteps. They had a ninja like outfit on with a Kimono hanging off their shoulders. "Hey there class...I'm your new teacher for a while until Captain Puppeteer can recover from getting his arm severed. But trust me when I say this I'm much tougher than him in several different ways. Those who are fighting me next step up to the plate and see what true power really is like in the hands of a pro hero in the Top 20 of japan."  Everyone went into shock over what she said. She stood there confidently waiting to be attacked by her students.

R3- Rykuu & Hitoshi Shinso Vs Ghost Tenzo

Rykuu dashed towards her with his bone armor and wolverine bone claws. He tried to attack her but she kept dodging his attacks, without any hesitation she jabbed his pressure points causing him to go limp. She kicked him the chest shattering his armor and sending him flying. He rolled on the ground several times unable to move since his body was messed with. Hitoshi tried to get her to speak but his insults were useless. "Speak, I dare you!" He shouted out but she didn't take the bait and just kicked him in the chest once rendering him unconscious.

"Next?" She said, Bored.

R4- Keira Ryoko & Jack Himiko Vs Ghost Tenzo

Keria took off her shoes and felt the cold ground with her feet. She slowed down her breathing and then smelled the air to get the feel of her surroundings. "Step aside, I got this..." Jack said pushing past Kiera with a shoulder bump. He took a step forward and appeared behind his new teacher. He clawed at her back and dashed backwards with blood dripping down his fingertips. He licked them clean and grinned sadistically showing his vampire fangs. The teacher stood there and smiled underneath her mask. She nodded her head and then just as Jack blinked she was behind him and holding onto his wrist tightly. He growled deeply and broke both of his wrists and spun around and kicked in her direction. She dashed backwards and dodged his kick. He sighed deeply as he looked at his now broken and bleeding wrists. "Ooh nice teach..." He slowly put his bone back into place and then his wounds started to heal back up. "Your blood is delicious..." He licked his lips sadistically and his eyes started to glow brightly. He sprinted towards his teacher and went hand to hand with his teacher and their speed increased over the time. But his power runs on continuously consuming blood. Blood that he couldn't get from her anymore, like if the first taste was a taunt to say that I let you hit me. Her speed increased passed his limits and she kicked him into the ground knocking him out unconscious and coughing out blood and spit.

Keria Ryoko Vs Ghost Tenzo Kamado~

Keira stood there and sensed the intense vibrations from all around her. She crouched down in a primal animal position and grew her claws from her fingertips. "So your the blind girl who severed her own friend's arm during a an entrance exam in a matter of seconds." Keira smirked slightly at the direction of her new teacher. "You're trying to taunt me....huh Mrs. Ghost?" The teacher stood there and tried to play off like that comment didn't make them upset. "Nice try, but I'm a guy." Keira felt that their vibration was lying and the sound of their heart beat was quickening. "We both know you're lying to me. Just because I'm blind doesn't mean I can't see...or well technically hear you lie to me." Ghost sprinted towards them to shut then up. But just as she went to strike Keria caught her fist and dug her nails into her glove covered hand. Ghost used her qurik finally and made a piece of glass impale Kiera's hand that is gripping onto Ghost's fist. Keira felt a sharp pain and dashed backwards. She wasn't sure what happened but she couldn't let a small cut make her lose this fight. "I have a question Sensei." Which got everyone's attention because that's what Lucas said before he cut off Captain Sensei's arm. "I'm listening." Ghost said getting for another random attack. "Are you sure you really want me to go plus ultra?" Keira's friends got a bad feeling about that question and then went to tell her to stop bit then suddenly Keira smirked devilishly,"Guys... Don't you dare to try and stop me." Ghost eyebrows raised in curiosity of what her student is up too that could make her new class scared. "I dare you to go, PLUS ULTRA!" As soon as she shouted that the whole aura coming off of Keria Ryoko changed to something monsterous. A huge gush of wind and black smoke happened and as soon as it dispersed a huge grey and white spotted cheetah was standing in the place of Keria. It breathed out hot breath making a weird wet fog in the direction of Ghost. "What on earth?" Ghost was in shock over how much power her class had. "What's wrong teach? Are you scared?" Ghost created shards of glass and threw it at Kiera's side but because of her thick fur it just bounce off and fell to the ground. "What..." Keira backhanded/pawed her teacher into the wall to her right. Ghost looked up only to be hit into the opposite wall on the outside of the gym. As if a giant kitty was playing with her new toy. Ghost grabbed a sword hilt from her side and made a glass blade. She went to attack Keria but then a kind of wire wrapped around Keria and Ghost restraining them both from fighting anymore.

The whole room turned to look at the new kid with multiple arms and eyes. "Chill out, on the orders of Captain Puppeteer. He told me to restrain those who would go past the point of this being a normal training session. I know we all want to know what the blind... Kiera Ryoko is capable of but not if someone dies while doing it. Oh right I'm Junji Yashujiro aka the, "Class Representative of class 1-B" I was looking for a co representative for the class, I know exactly who I want. Izuku Midoriya please step forward." Everyone went into shock over what is happening. So out of the blue. Deku stepped forward and pointed at himself confused,"Are you sure? That I'm the right person for the job?" He said, nervously shaking but not stuttering like usual. "Well for one, you didn't stutter. And you've been doing that when in front of people since the entrance exam. Don't ask how I know that." He said winking with on of his spider eyes. Junji pinned the badge of co-representative of class 1-B onto Deku's uniform. He smiled happily at Deku,"Now wear this on the right side of your chest on your uniform from now on." Then just after he said that he let his wires relax and disappear. "You are both free to relax now. The bell rang a few minutes ago, everyone is dismissed."

Meanwhile at U.A. Denki, and Uraraka are blending in nicely. Kacchan is struggling with his new found qurik. As if it is rejecting him or something. What's to come next? To be continued...

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