Side Characters Part 3

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(Shiketsu Highschool Principal)

Hero Name: Mind Specialist

Name: Shimada Kurasuma

Gender: Male

Age: 25

Height: 6'3

Hero Rank: S

School: Shiketsu Highschool

Pro Hero Rank: Top 10

Family: N/A

Friends: Principal Nezu, All Might, David Shield, Naomasa Tsukauchi, Hawks,


School Clothes~He wears a white collared shirt and dark pants. And he has a blue and orange uniform hat. Their uniform also includes a dark jacket with the Shiketsu logo printed on the collar. He has the jacket open with the white shirt showing.


Hero Costume~ He has knee pads extended to his legs and reach up to his thighs and his gloves are colored scarlet red on the back and blue hands. Black full-body jumpsuit in the form of the shiketsu uniform with red and blue stripes mixed into the black. Golden buttons and red lining of the collar. Signature blue and orange uniform hat with the golden S on the front. He has a red detectable cape attached to his costume. With the Golden Shiketsu Highschool S in the middle. Iron soles and steel toed, black knee high military combat boots with black laces.

Appearence: Dashing young man with spiky black hair and eyebrows and piercing dark eyes. He has a tall and muscular build. (His eyes change color depending on that what qurik he uses. They glow in the dark as well.)

Voice: Deep, Strict, Kind, Threatening at times.

Personality: A strict but kind man, though he keeps a distance between himself and the students due to his status as an pro hero and his own professionalism. He's very perceptive and observant of his surroundings. He cares about others safety more than his own. He cares more than he shows. He's very blunt when talking. He has a sarcastic humor and likes to break serious situations with bad jokes, sometimes offending others in the process. He has a very intense and sadistic side hidden from the public.

Ability & Skills: Photographic Memory,

Quirk~ Mind Power (7 quriks in 1)

Telekinesis (Blue eyes) ~ They can make anything they look at float, move, and/or hover. Including themselves.

Mind reader (Golden Eyes) ~ They can read people's minds but only if they make eye or physically contact.

Telepathy (Green Eyes) ~ They can speak with people via the mind.

Medium (Purple Eyes) ~ They can see dead people and Ghosts.

Retrace (Pink Eyes) ~ They can see everything a person has done for a certain amount of time depending on the item or object they touch accociated with a certain person. They see through the person's eyes as if they are them. Its a good ability to track down villians.

Death Glare (Red Eyes) ~ When they are pissed off they can burn anything from the inside out with just their eyes. The heat can be as hot as hell and the lava that is surrounds it.

Neutralizer (Passive/Mutation) All quriks that are mind related are negated/don't work on them unless they let them. Brainwashing, Mind reading, Memory Wipe, Telepathy, ect.

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