Volume 1 Chapter 4: Don't Judge A Person Just By Looks!

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Previously: Zane ran into view and threw water in his friend. Markos calmed down instantly and shrunk in size and fell unconscious. Zane and Keria caught him. Keira left Markos to Zane and she turned around and smiled genuinely at the hurt girl. "I'm sorry for my friend's actions, I know you are terrified right now. But I assure you he struggled against his inner animal the best he could. Your fire quirk send him into a frenzy. I hope you can forgive him in time." Keira bowed in forgiveness for her friend's dreadful actions.

Someone helped Zoey off the gym stage and took her home after she was healed. Keira escorted her Shark friend to the nurse's office to reattach his arm with their advance medical technology.

Keira~ "We're back." She said, smiling satisfied.

Deku~"Whoa...wow...your so cool Keira!"

Rykuu~"Markos must have passed out because of the pain, but damn I haven't seen you that mad in a while."

Maya~"How did you move so fast. One second you were here and then you weren't." He said, confused.

Zane~"Keira's scary when she's serious. Why do you think we behave around her." He said, that laughing nervously.

Keira~"I'll just say that you don't want to mess with me or my friends. But what Markos did was too far. I'm disappointed in the heroes for not stopping him though." She said seriously with a certain intensity.

5 mins passed the next round was starting~

Round 4~ Tanaka Ren vs Max Yumiko (Max To Min)

Tanaka stood across from Max Yumiko with a mask covering up his facial expression. But all you could see his intense dark green eyes staring at his opponent.

Name: Max Yumiko
Gender: Female
Age: 15-18
Casual~ Steel soles brown leather high heel boots, tight black tank top, brown leather jacket with metal buttons, black leather western pants tucked into her boots.
Appearance: light brown skin, many dark freckles, white sclera, with brown hazel irises, long brown auburn hair.
Weapons~ Small Steel stars, Titanium razor Frisbee's, Small steel bolts, Small sheets of titanium metal.
Quirk~ Min to Max (She can make her body smaller and shorter and/or bigger and taller. She can make things she touches smaller or bigger causing their weight to shift.)


Max~"Are you ready to lose!" She said, arrogantly while flipping her hair.

Tanaka just stayed quiet and waited for the announcer to say fight.

Announcer~ "FIGHT!"

She dashed towards him and jumped into the air to kick him in the face. His scorpion tail appeared in front of him blocking her strong kick. Then his tail started to turn to solid metal, she pushed off of the tail and did a flip mid air. She landed back where she was before. "Why do you hide your face!? I need to know why you have a mask covering your face." She said scoffing irritated afterwards. Tanaka said nothing to her, he just stared at her. "Tch. Fine I'll rip it off your face myself!" She shouted as she dashed towards him once again.

Tanaka held out his hands and started to make his body turn to metal. While she was paying attention to his body turning to metal his tail was growing in size and length. She went to punch his face once more but he blocked her punch with his arms making a X. But her punch was more powerful this time. Tanaka opened his eyes to see her fist being bigger. She smirked confidently and went to kick him. Just at the last second she made her leg bigger causing him to be launched into the air. But he wasn't hurt in the slightest, he blocked with his tail. It now has a bigger mass than before.  She felt a sudden rush of pain in her left leg. It was broken. "How did... what did..what!?" She shouted out in pain. He started to fall back down to the ground. Everyone panicked for his safety except for his friends. He drove his tail into the ground as soon as he hit the ground. Causing his tail to go limp and dropping him to the ground. He went completely silent and stopped moving all together. The announcer was about to speak but then Tanaka looked up at his opponent with his dark green eyes and grew another tail from his back. He used that very tail to severe the other damaged tail from his body. Purple blood sprayed out all over the ground. His stare never wavered as this all happened. As if he didn't feel pain or fear. He stood up and bended over backwards stretching out his back. His tail multiplied into two. They moved on either side of his body. He slouch back to a normal position as he stood there perfectly fine. "Are you scared?" His voice was so deep and monotoned that it made the whole gym get chills throughout their entire body. It rough and gravely so much that the air could start bleeding any moment now. It was a little demonic and echoey because of the mask. She gulped in fear and froze in fear over just his voice. He just nodded and talk towards her with his hands in his pants pockets. He felt light on his shoulders and then looked over at his bloody tail on the ground. His nice leather jacket was laying on the ground. "My Jacket..." His voice was slightly pissed off, but seriously calm. She looked at his jacket in the ground and it was completely ruined. She looked back over at Tanaka and his whole demeanor changed to calm and collected to extremely irritated and frustrated. She went to a little bit back to her sensed to absolutely speechless and terrified.

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