Chapter 45.5- Ray's Dream

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You think I'll write only about Ray? Nah, that's not how Author-chan does it.


Ray's pov

Where am I?

I don't know.

What can I see?

A blurred vision.

What can I hear?

A muffled voice.

Muffled voices.

What can I make out of my blurred vision?

I'm in a room, staring as someone else went out.

That person has black hair like me.

"....Please don't leave me behind....."

That's my voice.

Why can I hear mine so clearly?


What's happening?


Who was that?

It sounded like a male.

Was it him?

Was it someone else?


That sounded like a female.

Who were they?

Where was I?



What did that mean?

What's happening?

All I can remember was sleeping after I told Nigel that it was his turn to take my spot in surveying the area for the night.

The scene changed and I was in a different corner of the room.

I only one thing there.

A scream.


It was so clear.

Was it the boy?

Was it?

The time changed here, as I can see the orange glow in the room. It came from a window I think, where else?

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