the collar

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Gulping, while waking up, type breathed in deep and long to open his unwilling eyes, to find out he is too his side, darting, he moved quickly to look about then down.
He was no longer tied up and type was fully clothed.
Looking to his ankle he did have a chain, wrapped around.
Peering his eyes to the side, there was a treat full of food, signing he moved to sit to the edge, to then stand eyeing it.
Gritting his teeth and in his frustration, he turned the tray over to bend down grabbing the food to throw to the window to shout.
"Fucking! Piece of shit? Rapist? Blood sucking! Dip shit asshole! Molesting! Cunt! Vampire corpse! I fucking hate you! Wish you would just fucking die! Just let me go!"
With wobbly legs, type fell to his knees, all his strength was worn out.
He hunched over a bit to place his hands behind his head to scream and loud.
Type despise with a passion, that vampire did such a thing and it felt amazing.
It made him hate himself more for even thinking that way, also started to make him hate being gay.
Breathing heavily, he dropped his hands to place them palm down to the floor to weep.
Why mom and dad! Why did you do this to me? Wasn't I a good son? Couldn't I have helped more if I had stayed?
Type closed his eyes, tears fell.
Hearing the lock turn, he turned his head to the side.
Tharn strolled in, keeping the door open to step to the turned over tray to eye the window to roll his eyes, to look at type.
"So like a child......Are we done throwing our little tantrum?"
"Piss off!"
Tharn chuckled to himself to step to type, to crouch, eyeing the human. He flinched away.
"Mmmm..... Have we not learned our lesson?  Should I teach you..... start having some respect for your elders?"
Type froze to shake his head not looking to the vampire. He didn't want him to see him cry.
Tharn then stood up, still looking to the human.
"Good boy."
Type gritted his teeth.
"Now be a good little human and face your master."
"You are a fucking bastard!"
Tharn narrowed his eyes.
"This is your last chance my patience is growing thin. Turn human!"
Type took a deep breathe in to whip his eyes, to turn, he was fuming, but did not want to have what happened last time happen again.
Turned, he was too his knees, head hung, hands to his legs.
Tharn stood before him.
"Good...... Now look up. I have something for you."
Type took a deep breath in, to look up, eyeing his hand types eyes widen.
"You have got to be kidding me! I'm not a dog why.........nnnn....."
Tharn bend to place the back of the collar to types neck to pull him closer to eye. It hurt him a bit.
"You need to be debriefed about your job. I can't have you running off."
Looking to the open collar, tharn shut it, he then leaned back, type looked to it, to touch.
He heard buzzing.
"What..... What is this?"
"Mmm.....a shock collar for humans."
Tharn then took the remote from his back pocket too have type look up to eye.
"You...... You can't be serious..... These were outlawed, you can't..... This is illegal."
Tharn lightly snickered.
"Do you not know of which I make? I am allowed to have these. Some vampires are above the law type naraki. I am one of them."
Types lips parted, he breathed heavily to peer his eyes to the floor.
"If...... If you had these then why..... Did you......"
Type gritted his teeth.
"Has I told you. For fun."
Type looked to the vampire in anger.
"You disgusting filthy blood sucking piece of shit..........aaaaaaah......."
Flopping to his side, type shook a bit, to then curl himself into a ball.
Tharn then took his thumb off the button.
"You are going to learn not to be vulgar with me human. Now..... Come."
Type breathed heavily to whimper.
Tharn stopped in the door way, to turn to point the remote at type, witnessing the action he held a hand up.
"Please.........wwwww...... Wait...... I'm.....mmmm..... Trying."
Tharn parted his lips a bit to lower the remote to wait. The please got to him.
Type slowly got up, to his knees to look to the floor, to slowly breathe in and out, to go to a standing position to sway a bit. That shock really hurt him.
Turning, he kept his head hung, to follow.
The two left the room, type looked to the vampires back to then take stock.
Going to a hospital like room, they went to the middle, to stand, type looked up to see the doctor.
He turned in his chair to eye the two.
"I shocked my human. I need you to look him over. Tell me if he is okay."
Type scoffed.
"Why does it matter?" He said under his breathe.
Tharn turned to eye.
"You are my personal blood bank and servent has we debrief on your job details. Need to make sure you are fit."
Type rolled his eyes.
The doctor and to type, to then hold back, type had stepped back.
"Don't you fucking lay a finger on me!"
Tharn raised the remote.
"Need another shock?"
Types eyes widen to hang his head to stay perfectly still. The doctor stepped to examine an unwilling type.
"He seems to be a bit malnutritioned, dehydrated and lacking pigment, meaning you are taking to much blood. This human needs rest, liquids, food and blood to compensate what he has lost."
Tharn stepped to them, to eye the doctor.
"Is there anything you can give him, I'n order to make him more energized to work tonight?"
The doctor turned to go over to his syringes looking about.
Type kept his head hung.
Should I try to run for it? How far does this collar transmit? Could I run fast enough to where he couldn't reach?
Bringing a hand up, he touched the collar.
Tharn looked from the doctor to type, with an eye brow raised.
"Try to run. See what will happen human."
Types eyes widen.
Can he hear my thoughts?
Type lowered his hand to ball into a fist.
Coming back, the doctor, grabbed types arm to the roll up the sleeve to give him a cocktail of things.
Type looked away, he didn't like needless.
Tharn watched curious to this action.
Taking it out the doctor threw it over his shoulder to have it be placed to the trash.
"This should help him tonight. During the day, he needs to eat, have a saline drip and blood IV going. Do not feed from him till tomorrow night. It then will be too weak to do even the simplest of tasks."
Type furrowed his eye brows to look to the doctor.
"You know I can hear you right? I'm not an "it" but a person."
The doctor nodded to turn, uninterested.
Tharn eyed type, who brought his hand up to rub where the doctor injected to pout.
He slightly smiled to that too turn to go to the door, type turned his head to watch.
Tharn stopped to the door way.
"Come human......"
Then the vampire whistled has if he was calling a dog. Type went rolling his eyes.
"I'm not a fucking dog, you piece of shit vampire."
"Sure your not, yet you are following your master."
"It is by force, if this collar was not around my neck id....."
To the end of the hall, tharn turned to grab the collar to pull type close to his face. There eyes darted.
"Vampires are not easy to kill, human. Think twice. Now, if you speak again without I telling you too, I will shock you once more. So....... Be silent."
Pushing type away, tharn turned to keep going, type hung his head to take a deep breath in.
God damn it!
Reluctantly, type followed the vampire.

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